Trayvon Martin’s Mother Announces Run for Office on a Gun-Grabbing Platform – IOTW Report

Trayvon Martin’s Mother Announces Run for Office on a Gun-Grabbing Platform

BLP: According to the Miami Herald, Sybrina Fulton—the mother of Trayvon Martin—announced her campaign to run for a seat on the Miami-Dade county commission.

In a statement, Fulton said “Since 2012, I have advocated tirelessly to empower our communities and make them safer. But the work is not done. I am proud to announce that I will run to represent District 1 on the county commission.”

She said, “Our county must continue moving forward so our families are safe from violence, can afford to live in Miami-Dade and have access to good paying jobs. I am ready to take on these issues and many others in county government.”

Trayvon Martin was killed in an altercation with neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman after he brutally assaulted the neighborhood watchman. Martin had a track record of suspensions in high school and was suspected of robbery in one of those suspensions, but was never criminally charged.

The altercation with Zimmerman was provoked after Zimmerman followed Martin on suspicions that Martin was casing house in the neighborhood that he was in. Instead of peacefully asking Zimmerman why he was following him, Martin opted to assault Zimmerman to the point where he had no choice but to use lethal force to neutralize Martin’s attack.  more here

21 Comments on Trayvon Martin’s Mother Announces Run for Office on a Gun-Grabbing Platform

  1. Diogenes Sarcastica
    MAY 23, 2019 AT 12:48 AM
    “I thought you had to be literate to hold office”

    …Maxine, Johnson, Cummings, Lee, Omar, Talib, Cortez, and Clyburn say “no”, but can’t SPELL it…

  2. “Our county must continue moving forward so our families are safe from violence…”

    …maybe not having sons that rob houses and attack people would help…

  3. Don’t laugh. My new black lady Dem representative had a son who was killed with a gun. She campaigned on gun control. Stacey Abrams would also have won if she’d had a drive-by dead son. The black momma/dead son/ban guns trifecta is an irresistible narrative to virtue-signaling white women. Or was, maybe. We’ll see who came to their senses in 2020.

  4. Don’t laugh,,,
    Sorry, just uncontrollably pissed myself trying not too after reading this one!
    You mean Sybrina’s last name is not Martin?
    Surprise, surprise.

  5. I’m looking forward to the laughs she’s guaranteed to provide when she speaks publicly.
    Actually she’s running because she got a taste of the potential dollars to be had.
    “We done used up all the other dollars”

  6. It used to be shameful for a mother’s son or any parent’s kids to be a piece of shit.

    Now it’s a requirement. Should have named him Poonhunter Biden.


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