Take the last train from Clarksdale – From His Own Pocket, Clarksdale Mayor Pays Criminals $10,000 to Leave Town – IOTW Report

Take the last train from Clarksdale – From His Own Pocket, Clarksdale Mayor Pays Criminals $10,000 to Leave Town


Mayor Chuck Espy of Clarksdale, Mississippi, offers to pay drug dealers, gang members and other criminals to leave town…$10,000 each from his own pocket. Is this a good-hearted politician trying to give folks a second chance, or a fool offering a bad incentive with worse consequences.

13 Comments on Take the last train from Clarksdale – From His Own Pocket, Clarksdale Mayor Pays Criminals $10,000 to Leave Town

  1. Leave town? How about paying them to leave the U.S. While we are on the subject…. offer anyone $10,000 to renounce their citizenship, hit the bricks and never come back. Goodbye all America haters


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