Michael Avenatti To Be Arraigned Back-To-Back in Two Separate Criminal Cases – IOTW Report

Michael Avenatti To Be Arraigned Back-To-Back in Two Separate Criminal Cases

BLP: Former hotshot lawyer and foe of President Donald J. Trump is set for back-to-back arraignments Tuesday in a Manhattan federal court, according to The New York Post. 

“Avenatti’s first scheduled appearance involves charges that he tried to shake down athletic gear giant Nike for $20 million,” The Post said. “He is then set to be arraigned before a different judge for allegedly stealing tens of thousands of dollars from his former client Stormy Daniels, a porn star who allegedly had an affair with President Trump.”

Avenatti stands accused of attempting to bilk Nike out of the $20 million after allegedly accusing the company of improperly paying amateur athletes, and then threatening to expose them unless they hired him as their attorney.  more here


16 Comments on Michael Avenatti To Be Arraigned Back-To-Back in Two Separate Criminal Cases

  1. Didja hear the one about the Cannibal Restaurant? They were featuring Broiled Missionary for $10, Fried Explorer for $15, Grilled Republican for $20, and Baked DemocRAT for $100. A lady asked, “Why so much more for a D-RAT?” and the cook said, “Have you ever tried to clean one? They’re so full of crap, it takes all day.”

  2. The Creepiest Porn Lawyer of all time is about to meet his match in a Federal Penetration Facility. This lying, cheating bastard is about to finish his career as a jailhouse Shyster, working for clean socks and underwear. Basta that, you crooked bastardo!


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