Rare Bear – IOTW Report

Rare Bear

The Telegraph

A rare all-white panda has been caught on camera at a nature reserve in southwest China, showing albinism exists among wild pandas in the region, state media reports. The spotless, red-eyed animal was photographed while trekking through the forest mid-April in southwestern Sichuan province, said official news agency Xinhua on Saturday.

Wildlife experts said it was the first time an albino panda has ever been photographed. More

16 Comments on Rare Bear

  1. We need an investigatory exploratory congressional fact finding commission trip to see about relocating this endangered species back to the polar region it belongs.
    Global warminging is a terrible thing.

  2. I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I returned yesterday from my first bear hunt. I was successful. It was an awesome experience. Much adventure ensued and I loved it.

  3. Hambone, that doesn’t make you a Debbie Downer. Unless of course you killed a bear that was thought to be the rarest of rare in the bear world. I wonder about the motivation in killing something that there is only one of. Years ago in Alaska I was talking to a couple idiots from Germany that were drooling in anticipation of killing a Polar Bear, saying “I’ve got to kill one of those before there aren’t any.”


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