“Journalist Supremacist” Has Her Story of Oppression Foiled by Video – IOTW Report

“Journalist Supremacist” Has Her Story of Oppression Foiled by Video

These are my favorite stories- libstains that tell their tales of abuse at the hands of white oppressors, only to have the dastardly video show that they are the actual shitheel.

Candace Owens says that progressives enjoy being the victim, they crave it, need it and have to nourish it. I thought of that when the woman in the video looks at the officer incredulously and asks, “can’t you see that I’m a brown woman?”

Uhhh, no, we can’t. She wants to be brown so, so badly, in order to use it as a cudgel as she defiantly goes about her daily life.

She also complains about privilege and supremacy in the video, while simultaneously outraged that “an award winning journalist” is treated in a manner not befitting a person with such an elite status.

The left seems to breed an inordinate amount of these nasty crunts—

32 Comments on “Journalist Supremacist” Has Her Story of Oppression Foiled by Video

  1. Simultaneously claiming you’re oppressed everywhere you go, but expecting everyone to bow before your greatness as an award winning journalist, is not a good look.

  2. Fortunately I’m not oppressed; in fact, I am generally the oppressor. It’s actually more fun that way. I never thought of myself as having white male privilege, but now that progressives have conferred that on me, I believe I will embrace it for all it’s worth.

  3. Thought they were trouble when they consumed fire water. Trouble when denied also apparently. Now she can put her horses ass trophy next to her journalism awards.

  4. I will refrain from making a Drunk Injun comment; it’s too easy. Low hanging fruit.

    she put on an award-winning performance, that’s for sure. But the awards she won were a DUI award, a resisting arrest award and a free night’s accommodation in the county jail.

    I’m putting this one in the “Dont You Know Who I Am???” category of Leftist Assholishness.

  5. “I’m an award winning journalist.” Name a leftist journalist anymore that isn’t. Dan Rather disgraces himself and gets an award, Jim Acosta makes an ass out of himself every day at the WH and gets an award, Christine Ford comes close to ruining Kavanaugh’s life lying and gets an award, and the list goes on. Of course she can’t just fess up to making a series of bad choices and has to paint herself as the victim even if it means ridiculously claiming she was sober and acting reasonably when it was all caught on camera.

  6. My grandmother never got a status card.(Canadian thing i don’t know about the USA)Very few in my family have one.It seems we don’t need a crutch/cudgel to survive in this world.Pow wows where a lot of fun in my youth though.

  7. The left/progs always have two faces. One you saw when this twat was talking to the TV reporter the day after her arrest for felony dwi as well as resisting and one you saw on the videos of a whining threat and obscenity spouting woman demanding her minority privilege as an indigenous woman as well as the implied threat of her being journalist. I wonder if her “award” was for being on the station softball team 20 years ago. I suspect for all her talk about winning in court her lawyer will be quietly trying to arrange the best deal possible without this actually hitting a trial.

  8. Indigenous people were the majority before europeans came. Now europeans are majority fine. Why are europeans still called majority in cities that they are in minority? Why drop indigenous as majority? twisted logic.

  9. Gah! These people!

    There are more than a few professional victims among my in-laws.

    Trust me, you want to keep them out of your life as much as possible. Once I see I’ve met someone that is like this, I am calculating how to leave their prescence without giving them a chance to think I have wronged them somehow – even by leaving.

    Ignoring the color of the perp is always the right thing to do. You must be directly honest because once you start playing their game, you’ve lost and it never ends.

    The smirky way she was talking at the end says it all. Sve thinks she has a technicality that exonerates her completely.

  10. Cheif We are people living on a turtle.When did that become a thing? No way to know.It’s all stories over years. I will get brow beat by some relatives of mine for saying that. Come on you tell a story over years it gets so mottled it becomes parody.

  11. The company I worked for in the late 90s was owned by a man who exhibited many of this woman’s perceived privileges. When I first started the job, I saw this silly guy prancing around the office like he was some big hot shot. I asked a co-worker who he was and she said, “The guy who signs your paycheck”. Ooo, well, excuuuuuse me (in the best Steve Martin voice)!

    I had to deal with him quite often because I was in charge of the website and he had some pretty strange things he wanted done. I found out quickly, that the best way to change his mind was to tell him that websites with whatever-he-wanted (like flashing words) were looked at as childish and unprofessional. I never said this to manipulate him, but because it was true. So, instead of insisting he get his way, he agreed with me.

    That’s when I realized that people like that crave attention, but negative attention is not acceptable. This woman will soon find out that her actions are creating a tsunami of negative attention. Hopefully, she will learn her lesson.

    What am I saying; she is a leftist … she will never learn!

  12. Huron, the turtle we stand on, is itself…standing on a turtle. In fact…. it’s turtles all the way down….

    But it’s no mere story. It’s a carefully contrived reconstruction of the facts collated into one absurd 8 season long panoply of idiocy and nihilism.

    Wait…wait… that’s Game of Thrones. My peoples story has something to do with thunder-birds and basket weaving.


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