Joe DiGenova blows the lid off the real scandal: The Russia hoax was a cover-up effort for Obama’s political spying since 2012 – IOTW Report

Joe DiGenova blows the lid off the real scandal: The Russia hoax was a cover-up effort for Obama’s political spying since 2012


Hold on to your hats.  At last, we are on the verge of getting to the bottom of the weaponization of the nation’s top law enforcement and spy agencies to spy on political opponents, and it is far bigger than obtaining bogus FISA Court warrants to spy on Carter Page.  Barack Obama’s minions have been spying on his political opponents since before his 2012 re-election, and the entire Russiagate hoax was an effort to cover up that ongoing spying.

As I have stated before, the best sources for understanding the unfolding of the biggest political scandal in American history are D.C. super-lawyers Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing, who have an unmatched track record in explaining the events we see in the media and predicting the forthcoming revelations.  I am not in communication with them, but it does appear they have superb sources — which would not be surprising, given their long history as key conservative players at the highest level of the D.C. legal and political circles.


ht/ js

22 Comments on Joe DiGenova blows the lid off the real scandal: The Russia hoax was a cover-up effort for Obama’s political spying since 2012

  1. The next breathless chapter of “Real Soon Now”, or, “Bombshell!!”.
    Are we dancing or fucking?

    We are being treated as fools. And going along with such.

  2. I am in the camp “it must be given time”. This is the Swamp we find ourselves bogged down in after all. DJT knows the way out of that swamp and when we get out?

    Now that Barr the Bear (h/t claudia) is on the job we might be in for a reckoning.

    Just heard tonight he was a loy-ya for the AIC!

    So he is either Black Hat Deep Shit State OR White Hat PISSED and quite angry.

    I fall into the latter.

  3. This is my prediction: When Bob Woodward starts writing a book about this situation, the tide will finally start to turn on this outrage. He’s already started talking about the need to get to the bottom of the Russian Collusion Investigation since Mueller issued his report. He is a well connected Washington insider and a Trump hater, but when he starts down this path it will be impossible for the MSDM to ignore what Attorney General Barr is uncovering.

  4. Why is there not a federal raid at 4am on the traitor’s abode with shotguns and MP5’s
    locked and loaded. Drag the bastards out off bed and off to jail. Barry should not be read his rights, as a native of Kenya, he has no Constitutional rights.

  5. I think most of us realize that the ‘spying’ (not to mention the mud slinging and character assassinating) has been going on for a LOT longer than 2012 – maybe even as far back as 1812 – and that is just in the USA.

  6. Sundance, today at CTH, has it going back to 2010.
    Beginning with Obama and Eric Holder in 2010, a huge change in espionage protocol in 2012, FISA. and removal of Trump. We are.were in the fourth step.
    We were one election away from a true police state.

  7. @All Too Much…

    Maxine Waters knew:

    “…I think some people are missing something here. The president [Obama] has put in place an organization that contains the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful. That database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before.”

    Schumer knew:

    “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,”

  8. A couple years ago I did the deep dive on the Army/McCarthy hearings, and everything related to the Communist infiltration of our upper echelons of nearly every important gov’t bureau from about 1930 and onward.

    Last night I listened again to a panel discussion (I think the title was), “A Communist at Bretton Wood”. I can’t remember the names of the other three (very accomplished) panelists, because I was mainly interested in what M. Stanton (Stan) Evans had to say. If you go in for this sort of thing, you can search it on YT.

    One of the phrases Stan Evans used was, “Evans Law of Inadequate Skepticism” (or it could have been “Suspicion”). He was using it to describe situations where people are too quick to give the benefit of the doubt to something/someone wherein it makes no sense to do so; when there is a constellation of “coincidences”, people, events, connections — that raises the hair on the back of your neck, but you buy into a kind of cultural trance that allows one to just shrug it off as too “out there” to reasonably consider.

    I’m going to adopt Stan’s Law.

  9. AbigailAdams: What did you conclude after your deep dive on the Army/McCarthy hearings and the infiltration of Communist in our upper echelons of nearly every important government bureau from about 1930 onwards? How did the Soviet Union finally win its clandestine war against this country decades after its own demise?

  10. @Marco — I learned that if I didn’t laugh, I’d cry.

    And it was “Evans’ Law of Inadequate Paranoia.”
    Went back and listened again because I wanted to get it right. The title of the video is: “A Soviet Spy at the Center of Bretton Woods.” The subject was Henry Dexter White and his role (with Treasury Secy Morganthau) to set the Allies global economic policy following WWII (or World War Eleven, as Evans like to joke). Morganthau had no idea that six of his most trusted aides were Communists and spying on him.

    There’s a reason, by the way, why our history books vilify POTUS John Adams over the Aliens and Sedition Acts. The Left has been at this for a long time.

  11. AbigailAdams: I’ve been reading about this subject for decades, and one of the very best books about the Soviet penetration of Western governments during the years after the Russian Revolution is “On a Field of Red” by Anthony Cave Brown and Charles B. MacDonald. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in this subject.


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