They Called Geller and Spencer Crazy When They said the State Was Pushing Islam – IOTW Report

They Called Geller and Spencer Crazy When They said the State Was Pushing Islam

Jihad Watch-

New Jersey public school poster: “May Allah Continue to Shower You Love and Wisdom”

There is no break in the brazenness and determination of Islamic supremacists to impose the ‘supremacy of Islam’ and the sharia upon America and other Western democracies.  They are relentless.

The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund (FCDF) sent a “cease and desist” letter moments ago to West New York School District’s superintendent, demanding that two district-sponsored Ramadan posters in Memorial High School be taken down.

“A public school district would never hang posters praying for Jesus Christ to shower students with love and wisdom. Apparently the Left’s notion of the so-called ‘separation of church and state’ only applies to Christians.”


14 Comments on They Called Geller and Spencer Crazy When They said the State Was Pushing Islam

  1. What posters does that school put up for Lent? Or how about Easter and Passover or is that just refereed to as Spring Break? What kind of songs are the kids in choir allowed to sing during the Winter Solstice?

    Some faiths will just carry on if you ignore them and are rude to them and others will cut your head off but which one get’s the nick name R.O.P.?

  2. Separation of Church and State does not apply???
    Meanwhile the Muzloid Cave Men are saying: “We’ve got them right where we want them!”
    Unless we’re talking goats and camels here, where does love enter into the muzlim equation?

  3. What these scumbag leftists deserve is to have the US become a muslim country. Their perverted polysexual dumb asses will be the first ones slaughtered, stupid masochistic dumb fucks.

  4. Anonymous, “I’m surprised the FFRF hasn’t jumped on this, as much as they hate to see religion in the public square.”

    They are more afraid of getting their heads chopped off than they are of hating “religion”.

  5. Oh that’s right, they keep their youngsters barefoot and illiterate.

    And only feed them if their willing to strap on that suicide bomber vest.

  6. Pelopidas
    MAY 31, 2019 AT 12:46 PM
    “Some faiths will just carry on if you ignore them and are rude to them and others will cut your head off but which one get’s the nick name R.O.P.?”

    …I think the nickname is meant to be ironic…


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