DoD Buys $20 Mil In Fake Chinese Equipment – IOTW Report

DoD Buys $20 Mil In Fake Chinese Equipment

Military Times

The U.S. military, government agencies and other purchasers bought more than $20 million worth of Chinese-made counterfeit goods designed to look like domestically produced gear from a company that defrauded the government and helped to orchestrate the counterfeiting process between January 2013 and October 2018, Justice Department officials said last week.

The counterfeit gear included 200 specialized parkas designed to counter night vision goggles that would have been used by U.S. Air Force personnel stationed in Afghanistan.  But the Multicam APECS Parkas sold to an unnamed U.S. Air Force base supply center didn’t actually do that, which could have put troops’ lives at risk. More

13 Comments on DoD Buys $20 Mil In Fake Chinese Equipment

  1. Holy crap, if the DoD is unable to acknowledge the difference between genuine and fake gear….

    And, WTF do we buy military defense ANYTHING from the chicoms????

  2. Shit. That reminds me, faintly, of the Craddock Terry DoD debacle. They didn’t buy spurious Chigger shit, but they made really woeful crap and became insolvent before they could be hanged.

    “Can you make 20 million pairs of boots?”

    sotto voce “Oh fuck no!”

    not so sotto voce “Yup.”

    Go on, take the money and run…

  3. Although diabolical, the “outing” of this now is perfect timing, considering current trade negotiations. Made in China = Cheap, Fraud and now, Dangerous! Forget the tariffs, let’s ban Chinese imports all together.

  4. Another immigrant, Ramin Kohanbash, doing the work that Americans just won’t do. Notice his evil work began during Obozo’s administration. Probably got the government contract by virtue of being a minority.

  5. We’re in the opening gambit of a real war with China.

    They’re six generations removed from WWII and have at least three generations of one child policy queerboys who need to have something to prove.

    They’re so convinced that China is forever that they don’t realize how close they are to the edge.

    If America gets a better deal, what are the pansy ass Euro fags going to want.

    We should immediately cease providing them with medicine, food and natural resources. Kick their ungrateful, spoiled brats out of our colleges. Post the social credit scores of their government apparatchik offspring driving fancy cars and living high on the capitalist hog over here.

    Prohibit them from buying real property here.

    They want to be the enemy. They should be treated like the one they’ve always been.

  6. Wow. That’s chutzpah.

    I spent 2 years working for contractors. Most of that time was spent on the logistics side, unboxing and assembling, matching serial numbers and such before repackaging and final shipment.

    If anything I put together was deficient, I would have known about it in 3 or 4 days…via a spectacular ass chewing.

    How this went on for 5 years is beyond me.

  7. These people need to experience Chinese quality control – sell something fraudulently, get a bullet to the back of the head and your family gets billed for the bullet.
    Remember a few years ago the Chinese business executives who cut corners with milk? They are pushing up daisies

  8. I work for a company that always pushes trade in China and has a presence there. Then turns around and talks about corporate “values” and will be pimping gays hard for the next month starting this morning.

    I went on a factory visit a few years ago and other people were taking tours too. Little Chineses taking pictures of manufacturing equipment from different angles everywhere we went.

    It’s like just send them your schematics and trade secrets you dumb fucks. That’s what they are doing. They’re stealing your IP. They want you to build a factory they’ll eventually expropriate.

    But like some abused spouse, you think you can change them. We’ll democratize them. They’ll come to a Western style democracy eventually.

    Wrong. They’re either tools of a totalitarian regime or they are dead.

  9. Remember when computer chips from china were installed in DoD equipment on planes etc.
    You’d think they’d tighten up inspections after being made fools of by these slippery infiltrators enough times.

  10. Where’s the “Clinton Connection?”

    Somebody’s connected to somebody. You can’t just walk in and pull this kind of shit – try it.

    Somebody (or somebodies) greased the wheels.

    Listen for: “We don’t want to point fingers, we just want to make sure this never happens again.” Same old fucking bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Don’t forget that the DOD is still chock full of Democrat America Hating Obama worshipers who idealize China and its repressive commie government filled with thugs and thieves!


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