Kim Foxx changes story on Jussie Smollett recusal, blames ‘false rumors’ – IOTW Report

Kim Foxx changes story on Jussie Smollett recusal, blames ‘false rumors’

Boo Berry offers another explanation as to why she recused herself, even though she already explained much earlier that she never really recused herself.


Chicago’s top prosecutor again shifted her explanation for why she recused herself from an investigation into Jussie Smollett’s claim that he’d been the target of a hate crime, saying she stepped aside because of false rumors she was related to the “Empire” actor.

Foxx said in her Friday statement: “False rumors circulated that I was related or somehow connected to the Smollett family, so I removed myself from all aspects of the investigation and prosecution … so as to avoid even the perception of a conflict.”

But previous explanations suggested that she recused herself in February because of communications with a Smollett family member as the investigation of the reported attack was ongoing.

Foxx communicated in early February with former first lady Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff Tina Tchen, who was representing Smollett’s family, and with a member of Smollett’s family about the investigation.

The recusal issue has continued to dog the state’s attorney’s office.

In late March – after questions were raised about the dropping of charges – Foxx and her aides sought to recast her role, with one statement saying Foxx “used the term ‘recuse’” in the “colloquial use of the term.” They said the correct description was that she had “informally separated herself from the decision-making” in the case.

As documents released earlier illustrated, Foxx nevertheless weighed in at critical points as her staff decided whether to proceed with the prosecution…


15 Comments on Kim Foxx changes story on Jussie Smollett recusal, blames ‘false rumors’

  1. ” … Foxx “used the term ‘recuse’” in the “colloquial use of the term.” … ”

    I wasn’t even aware that there was a “colloquial” use of that term that meant something different than the normal dictionary definition of it.

    In any event, changing stories are generally a sign of a lie, truth doesn’t change and doesn’t need a changing story to justify it.

  2. Many of us were kids in the 70’s and can remember a Saturday morning show called “Land of the Lost.”

    She looks like Chaka from that show and the title fits these people perfectly.


  3. You have to laugh at the fact shes a Soro’s lap dog!

    The Master, she serve’s is “a old white Jewish man who happens to also be a antisemitic”


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