Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Mueller Upends Rule of Law, In Final Appearance—Sidney Powell – IOTW Report

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Mueller Upends Rule of Law, In Final Appearance—Sidney Powell

9 Comments on Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Mueller Upends Rule of Law, In Final Appearance—Sidney Powell

  1. Anonymous
    JUNE 2, 2019 AT 8:40 PM
    “Mueller should get a tastes of his own medicine: send him to Gitmo to spend the rest of his life.”

    …unless he can PROVE he’s NOT guilty of ANY crimes, of course…

  2. SAY IT !!! Obama started it all …… encouraged it ….put communists in the positions of authority …caused the FBI the CIA and the NSA to be no more than a bunch of hacks !!

  3. I wish I could say that Robert Mueller doesn’t molest Boy Scouts and hide their bodies in the woods.

    But I can’t. The severity of the charge warrants investigation and failure of Mueller to turn over the litany of semen stained ascots and other trophies he has hidden of his victims equals an Obstruction of Justice.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go on with my life and you should too.

    Note: the fact that Obama kept putting Communists in positions of power should prove unequivocally that all of our Communists know each other and are engaged in a decades long March through our institutions.

    If Russian interference in our elections is a big deal, this should warrant scouring our institutions to oust these agents of the Kremlin.


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