O’Rourke: Our Immigration System Can Handle More Migrants – IOTW Report

O’Rourke: Our Immigration System Can Handle More Migrants

WFB: Democratic presidential candidate Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke argued America’s immigration system can handle more migrants during an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.

Host Chuck Todd asked O’Rourke if he had any sympathy towards the current administration which says the system is being overwhelmed.

“My empathy and my sympathy is with the families who have had to flee the deadliest countries on the face of the planet, who are met with the greatest cruelty and inhumanity in this country’s history. We have the capacity to be able to take care of those families,” O’Rourke said.

“Can the city of El Paso keep handling more and more migrants coming over the border?” Todd asked.

“This country, the United States of America, absolutely can do this.   more

19 Comments on O’Rourke: Our Immigration System Can Handle More Migrants

  1. I wish some of these migration and open border proponents would explain exactly what these people are bringing with them that benefits America and why we need them because we are not capable of it ourselves.

    But if they did, it would only be in vague and ambiguous terms that can’t actually be pinned to anything demonstrable in the real world.

  2. “…the families who have had to flee the deadliest countries on the face of the planet, who are met with the greatest cruelty and inhumanity in this country’s history.”

    Hyperbole much, Bobby Frank? That’s is some teen drama there. I just figured out who you are. You’re an older, slower David Hogg.

  3. This has got to be some sort of contest between the demonrats to see which candidate can say the stupidest thing. It’s probably a 23 person tie at this point but Francie may pull ahead with this one.

  4. And just why do they have to get out of those dangerous hell hole countries that they created? To bring that same deficient mentality and desire to create a dangerous hellhole here!

  5. A noble, visionary and ambitious leader like him deserves to hold power.

    He should cross the border, seize power and reform these “deadliest countries by his humble self. Stunad.

  6. His mommy got caught laundering $$$ for people of questionable repute. This guy is the equivalent of Presidente Amlo in Mexico. Lots of $$$ flows into the coffers of both from those of questionable repute. Notice that no one from other countries is living with Amlo or Beta. Why is that?

  7. No. American cannot afford any more illegals. In fact, it’s time to send a couple million back, starting with the welfare crowd and Muslims. But if Beato his Meato wants to house a few hundred, fine. Let him pay.


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