“Some Korean Named Lee “ – IOTW Report

“Some Korean Named Lee “

When asked who would win the women’s golf U.S. Open, famed golf coach Hank Haney said, “probably some Korean named Lee.”

SJWs went berserk. The media was outraged. Players were disappointed.

Who won?

South Korean golfer, Jeongeun Lee


My question is, why did he apologize?

I don’t even tune into women’s golf anymore because it is simply a leaderboard of cookie-cutter playing Lees.

He’s right.

15 Comments on “Some Korean Named Lee “

  1. What’s the big deal. It’s like saying “Some American named Smith”, or “Some Mexican named Jose”.

    Every little thing gets the SJWs riled up.

  2. No more jokes, no more fun, no more wise cracks.
    What a miserable future we will have/ we have.
    Notice all this crap happens with elitists, so called famous people. And is always provoked by some scumbag reporter asking a stupid question?
    Like when Tiger Woods won the Masters and a scumbag asked Fuzzy Zeller what he thought Tiger would select for dinner. Fuzzy say’s I don’t know, probably fried chicken. Phucking bedlam! Fuzzy became a racist over
    But gropin’ Joe Biden can say anything stupid!

    There so many other examples of this bullshit and they are all just sickening.

  3. “You picked a fine to burn Me Miss Lee

    4 Days to Port Call ans a case of VD

    I’ve had some good times

    live through some short times

    but this time it’s Herpes type three

    You picked a fine to burn Me Miss Lee, Miss Pak, Miss Cho’.

  4. I take it as a compliment. He is saying that those chinks play better golf than everyone else. Wait till men compete with them. Does it have to do with squinting?

  5. This is what happens when the Holier-Than-Thou Left is deliberately looking for any “reason” to be outraged. It give them a “reason” to push their phony agenda of Racists, Nazis, iSlamophobes, Klansman, White Supremacists, Misogynists, Sexists, Xenophobes, Homophobes and all the other “phobes” they are so vastly superior to!
    Unity?? That’s the LAST thing they want!!
    They wouldn’t have a reason to exist without division.
    That’s one reason why they do it.
    The other is to feel smug and superior and elite!

  6. …at least it was actually a woman…give it a couple of years and aging male golf stars will be donning dresses in a bid to stay relevant and wealthy, then you’ll never see pretty li’l Korean ladies again, to Lee or not to Lee..


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