Baltimore’s Historic Harborplace Goes Into Receivership – IOTW Report

Baltimore’s Historic Harborplace Goes Into Receivership

How does a major city lose its momentum, lose its charm, lose its trade and tourism along an historic waterfront?

Don’t answer that.


Baltimore’s crown jewel retail space is in receivership with no concrete plan for what happens next.

Baltimore City Mayor Jack Young called the future of the Harborplace a shocker but said that he knows what he’d like to see happen.

“As you know, Harborplace is a very important part of Baltimore,” Young said. “Not only for our tourism but also for our citizens who want to come and visit down in the Inner Harbor. I was totally shocked, I can tell you that.”

The pavilions had been undergoing renovation for quite a while- too long for too many businesses who eventually moved out.

With fewer tenants and less money, payments were missed and a Baltimore Circuit Court Judge appointed a receiver to take control which opened the way for sale.

The Waterfront Partnership sees promise in a new owner.

“We’re actually pleased to hear about the receivership of the Harborplace because it means there’s some action being taken,” Laurie Schwartz, of the Waterfront Partnership, said. “For too long Harborplace has been on a decline. There have been more tenants that have left. It hasn’t held the strength that it used to hold and we expect it to hold.”

Mayor Young has tough standards for the Harborplace.

“I would like to see it torn down and re-done, that would be my preference,” Mayor Young said.


Yeah, you think that’ll solve Baltimore’s problem, do ya? New buildings?

You think Baltimore having 10 times the average U.S. crime rate could hav anything to do with the city’s downtrend?

ht/ jl



29 Comments on Baltimore’s Historic Harborplace Goes Into Receivership

  1. Perhaps all your youthful citizenry coming down there on a fairly consistent basis attacking the visitors and patrons could have something to do with the decline. Just a thought.

  2. Typical liberals. Build new buildings so everything looks good on the outside. They also seem to think building new, fancy schools will make education better.
    I see similarities to when Jesus called the Pharisees whited sepulchers. Fancy and white on the outside while rotting of death on the inside.

  3. Baltimore always had crabs. It’s just that the wrong kind that overtook the city.

    Such a waste of all that federal money that was spent to create that Inner Harbor!

  4. Along with all the other bad things about Baltimore, the Orioles are tied with the KC Royals for the worst record in MLB this season, with a WL percentage of .311.

  5. Slap a newly veneered Potemkin Village over
    the Democrat created outhouse and hope
    “if we build it they will come”.
    Sorry boys, you have to get rid of the stink of all the blood first.

  6. Knew Baltmore was in trouble the first time they gave us armed escorts to our cars after a Dr.’s appointment at Hopkins.

    ’nuff said.

  7. Lived downtown in Federal Hill (a 10 minute walk to Harborplace) 20 years ago. SO GLAD I am no longer there. Such a shame, the one golden goose, the Inner Harbor area, of this shithole of a city has been killed off. The local primate population is to blame…exclusively, but I’m sure they’re holding meetings to claim that “Whitey is at fault”, as per usual.

  8. Unbelievable. The harbor front jewel goes through a lengthy (and likely way over budget) renovation which causes them to lose clients and push the place into bankruptcy and the idiot Democrat Mayor wants it torn down and rebuilt. I guess it’s to be understood that the replacement for a corrupt Democrat Mayor is a stupid (and maybe corrupt as well else why a rebuild) Democrat Mayor.

  9. Their Mayor knows what will happen;

    “I would like to see it torn down and re-done, that would be my preference,” Mayor Young said.

    He was only joking when he added ‘and re-done’ They will stop at torn down and left empty.

  10. the sad end to a once wonderfully, ethnically diverse (& safe) city … (D)’rats phuck up everything they touch … if they had their way, we’d all be enslaved in our local Baltimore

    thank you (D)’rats.

    P.S. Nancy Pelosi is from Baltimore … coincidence? … I think not


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