Report: Mexico offers major concessions to avoid tariffs – IOTW Report

Report: Mexico offers major concessions to avoid tariffs

DC: The Mexican government is reportedly offering a slate of immigration-related concessions to appease the Trump administration as it seeks to prevent the imposition of tariffs on exports to the U.S.

Mexican negotiators are offering to deploy thousands of National Guard troops to its border with Guatemala and enact sweeping changes to its asylum laws, moves that are expected to prevent a significant number of Central Americans from illegally entering the U.S., The Washington Post reported Thursday.

President Donald Trump set a June 10 deadline for the Mexican government to demonstrate it would do more to stem illegal immigration from its country, or else face a 5% tariff on all its goods. The threat sparked immediate negotiations between U.S. and Mexican delegations in Washington, D.C. — which are expected to continue for the rest of the week.

Mexico, according to two officials who spoke with The Post, agreed to send up to 6,000 National Guard troops to its southern border with Guatemala, a major chokepoint for Central American migrants in their northbound journey to the U.S. That move is expected to immediately yield results in squashing the number of illegal immigrants.

Additionally, Mexican negotiators are prepared to revamp their asylum rules in the region. Under the proposal, Central Americans seeking asylum would have to remain in the first country they entered after leaving their homeland. For example, Guatemalans seeking asylum in the U.S. would be deported to Mexico, the first country they crossed in their U.S.-bound journey. The U.S. would be able to deport El Salvadorian and Honduran applicants to Guatemala — the first country they presumably crossed.

However, officials involved in the talks note that negotiations are still underway and that Trump could very well deem the final agreement insufficient.  more here

15 Comments on Report: Mexico offers major concessions to avoid tariffs

  1. Is this the same Mexico that recently admitted that 80 per cent of populated areas outside the control of the central government? That country looks more like Somalia or Afghanistan than any neighbor we want.

  2. Different Tim
    JUNE 6, 2019 AT 7:05 PM
    “The Mexican National Guard would let anybody with a couple bucks pass right on thru. No deal.”

    …and we’d do well to remember that as we build our wall,that staffing it is at LEAST as important as BUILDING it.

    …the Chinese, by all accounts, built one hell of a Wall to keep invaders out, once.

    And it WORKED, too.

    …until it dawned on the invaders that they could just go to the gate and have a traitor let them through…

    “The Mongols never came back, but in truth they hardly even tried. By 1644, the Ming Dynasty was about to collapse, and at the gates of the Great Wall was a new powerful enemy – the Manchus.

    We will never know if this would have been the great moment for the wall to write itself into history, as the battle for China never took place. General Wu Sangui, who was in charge of protecting the country, decided to switch sides and opened the gates of the Great Wall to the invaders in the Shanhai Pass.”

    …kind of sounds like what Barry the Indonesian did with his Islamic kin. If we HAD a wall and then had another Barky, do you think the gates would stay closed?

    …history has already answered….

  3. @Supernightshade June 6, 2019 at 7:43 pm

    > …until it dawned on the invaders that they could just go to the gate and have a traitor let them through…

    It’s almost like Americans could save all the wasted resources of building “a wall”, just by drawing new lines on a map.

  4. Cool idea….but to make this work we’d have to send a buttload of “advisers” to the Mesikin southern border.

    Mainly to keep the border from gettin’ stacked up with dead Guatemalans.

    Seriously, at this point we’d be better off declaring the northern half of Mesiko a ‘protectorate’ of the US, and send every combat engineer we have to build the most basic of basic infrastructures.

    Like a sewer system. Septic tanks. Running water. Fuck WiFi, how about some electricity? Hell, if we sent the EPA down there, they would commit mass suicide in despair.

    We’re never gonna’ stem the flow of illegals until they can live at their own homes and not have to shit their pants 20 times a day.

    Time out…just had a stroke…of GENIUS.

    We corral the fuggin’ Canadians and send them south. Erry’ body loves Canadaland. Besides, they’re clearly enjoying the fruits of our labor at the border, time to pitch in hosers.

  5. The parents of my closest Latino friend claimed NOT to be Mexican but rather Spanish.
    Even today I don’t believe that to be true but they obviously wanted to distance themselves from ‘wet-backs’.

  6. jellybean-
    That’s the truth. I had friends who did the same. Then I had others (both liberal and Conservative) who refused to speak / learn Spanish, etc., because the illegals are such a stain on their race. Illegals hurt the legal and citizens the most in a lot of ways.

  7. Mexico is facilitating an invasion of our southern border – pursuant to its reconquista agenda.

    President Trump is misreading the situation (maybe on purpose, I can’t see for sure).

    But the effort is planned, well-financed, determined, and aided and abetted by our fifth-columnists in business and Washington.
    Some city (small or middling) will be destroyed by these invaders before we wake to our danger.

    izlamo delenda est …


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