Former Trans Teen Says Her Dysphoria Was a Combination of Brainwashing, Mental Illness and Medical Malpractice – IOTW Report

Former Trans Teen Says Her Dysphoria Was a Combination of Brainwashing, Mental Illness and Medical Malpractice


Chiara told me she was trans soon after her 17th birthday, in a text message consisting solely of a link to an online informed consent clinic that would prescribe testosterone for minors, with parental permission. Medical transition was her goal from the get-go, and pretty much out of the blue. She had never previously said one word about feeling “wrong” as a girl—in fact, quite the opposite. I had thought for quite some time that she was likely a lesbian (which I fully supported), but there had never been any indication that she despised her body or wished she were the opposite sex.

You mentioned that you had no desire to transition until you heard about others doing so. Did your dysphoria increase the more you learned about gender identity and transition?

Absolutely. The more information I consumed on the topic, the more adamant I was that transition was right for me. Other people’s hormonal and surgical results appealed to me at the time, and I desperately wanted that for myself. It was a vicious circle: the more I watched, the more my dysphoria grew, and the more my dysphoria grew, the more I needed to “escape” in the form of this addictive media.

Why do you think so many young people—especially girls—have come to see themselves as transgender?

In many ways, it is incredibly difficult and often painful to exist as a woman in society.

Chiara, what would you say to the activists and legislators who are pushing for legislation that would make it illegal for therapists to encourage clients to explore why they feel they must transition?

I think that would be blatant malpractice. The job of a therapist is to help people overcome issues and develop the best life possible, and transition is not always the right way forward. This would also prevent therapists from digging into deeper issues behind dysphoria. If this law were to go into effect, if would only increase the number of young people who would later detransition.


12 Comments on Former Trans Teen Says Her Dysphoria Was a Combination of Brainwashing, Mental Illness and Medical Malpractice

  1. Read the interview, it’s very interesting. She said that one of the primary things that took place that helped her understand that she wasn’t transgendered was when she when to work on a horse farm for a year. She’s didn’t have much access to the internet (including smart phones and other comm devices) and worked quite a bit so it gave her time to think about what she actually was rather then having all these sites (and twitter, facebook and the like) reinforcing a false gender construct she mistakenly identified with. I have to wonder how much the net (or to be fair sites on the net) reinforce these false constructs to young people slipping them farther and farther along a path to a permanent and actually unwanted change. Peer pressure (and a number of self-serving adults) can be a terrible and very dangerous thing to a young, mixed up mind.

  2. 10 years from now the ‘transgender’ movement will be in deep trouble as suicides skyrocket and all the transitioners find out that bullshit doesn’t beat hard science. You can be miserable when you get what you want and not what you need.

    Of course those in power and the MSM will try and keep this scam going. It’s making them too much money [especially the pharma companies]. Old time science and old time psych treatments could have done wonders.

  3. @scr – exactly. A young adult friend announced about 4 years ago that he was in fact a woman (a lesbian, as it were) and started taking hormones. My hope is that he is happy, but my greatest concern is that those around him create an environment in which he feels he cannot backtrack should he wish to do so.

  4. Sounds like she had parental permission to chemically mutilate herself. The fact that she’s disturbed may be able to be traced back to a new age loon parent.

  5. ” In many ways, it is incredibly difficult and often painful to exist as a woman in society.”

    I’m so sick of this victimization. In whose society? Middle East? Africa?
    Not here! Some women think that if THEY feel bad, then every woman everywhere must feel bad.

    This is what happens to weak people when the drama queens around them are pushing them to think whatever confusion or anger they feel at the moment is absolute truth or law. They get sicker, and the drama queens are pushing them further into illness just so they can have company, or feel better about themselves, or just so they can be right. So gross.

    I hope that chick gets help. And stays helped. Life’s hard as a human being already. We don’t need to add trivial bullshit or other people’s ‘feelings’ from the internet or fashion magazines on to our regular problems.

  6. @TheRealTruth Serum: “…the ‘transgender’ movement will be in deep trouble as …”

    when death certificates specify ‘… co-morbidity, related to prostatic cancer’

  7. MJA, “I’m so sick of this victimization. In whose society?”

    I’m with you on this.

    Is THAT lie the reason she didn’t want to be a woman? Women aren’t victimized in our culture. Look at the privilege that woman have here. They are trying to transform our society to emasculate men so they can have power over them. I hate what they are doing.

    To encourage her realization that she was used and abused by the media and the left, she needs to believe this: YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM.

  8. MJA & Claudia — Make it three of us. The pendulum has swung so far in favor of women that it’s become unfair to men — and has been for quite a while. And lowering the bar just so unqualified women (there are qualified women) to do nontraditional jobs like firefighters, puts us all in danger.

    One of our neighbor’s teen boy just announced his new name is “Constance”. He’s reminded Geoff C. twice, in passing, that that’s his new name. Geoff C. said, “Well, you’ll always be ________ to me.” We’ve known him since he was a preschooler and now, suddenly, this. His parents are all open-minded about it, but we know his grandparents (both sets) are going to be thunderstruck when they get the news. I’m glad to have the info on this group to give them.

  9. Count me in as number 4 in agreement.
    Tried to explain to a friend recently how tired I am of the “girl/woman” superiority idea. She didn’t get it. I have a son who has been financially decimated by an ex, as the laws in our country are such that child support is 100% for the parent who cannot do 50% care time. Most often this is the man. He has his children a good 40% of the time, but his ex gets to vacation at Disney world with the kids because he pays her (and she works outside the home and makes a good salary) 100% of the children’s support expenses – disgusting.(rant off)


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