Madonna Claims a NYTs Interview Was a Similar Experience To Her Alleged Rape – IOTW Report

Madonna Claims a NYTs Interview Was a Similar Experience To Her Alleged Rape

Madonna is taking heat for saying “I’m sorry I spent 5 minutes with her. It makes me feel raped,” while complaining about time she spent with a NYTs reporter doing a profile on her.

She quickly followed her statement with the disclaimer “And yes I’m allowed to use that analogy having been raped at the age of 19.”

I looked into this rape claim and her stories sound suspicious.

She says when she arrived in New York, having left the intolerable Rochester, Michigan, in the span of a year she was held up by gunpoint, her apartment was robbed 3 times and she was raped by knifepoint.

New York was bad in the 7os, but it wasn’t THAT BAD. I find it hard to believe that returning to Rochester wasn’t an option after those experiences. But, it’s important for Madonna to have us think she is that sort of warrior. Somehow, I doubt it if she thinks a bad interview is like being raped.

The story of her rape seems implausible.

She says she went to dance class and the door was locked so she had to borrow a quarter for the pay phone to call the class and have them let her in. The phone rang and rang and rang. The man who gave her the quarter said he lived across the street and she could use his phone to call the studio.

That makes little sense. There was nothing wrong with the pay phone. A different phone would not compel the dance company to pick up.

She said she followed the man and he brought her to a rooftop where she was raped by knifepoint.

She never filed a police report.

In a biography published in 2007 she claims she was held at knifepoint by 2 men and ordered to perform fellatio.

Madonna just seems to be a felony magnet, poor girl.

It’s probably why she wants to blow up the white house. She sees in Trump all of her assaulters who are, in my opinion, complete fabrications.

19 Comments on Madonna Claims a NYTs Interview Was a Similar Experience To Her Alleged Rape

  1. Slutco, her company, was generating some $90 million/yr about 30 years ago.
    She has NO reason, except vanity, to consent to ANY interviews.

    Poor l’il rich girl … gets what she wants and still complains …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Look how proud she is of being raped. I doubt she was raped anyway, but the status of ‘rape’ as a feminist merit badge is pitiful. All of the celebrity-feminists wear their victimhood badge so proudly. It’s to the point in which a non-rape victim might actually be ashamed of themselves.


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