Ben Shapiro Knows So Much That Isn’t So – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro Knows So Much That Isn’t So

Trump is putting America first. I can’t think of  a person more qualified than this president to get that job done.

I’m more than sick and tired of doubters, naysayers, margin pickers, nabobs of negativity that have no understanding of what we are up against, and how much oxygen we should be supplying Trump, not stepping on the tube at every turn.

For 8 years under the Obama administration, the evil cabal sought to undermine the United States in order to make us an also-ran, payback for being too exceptional, too colonial, too blessed. The media was in total agreement.

Since 2016 they have been doing anything they can to kneecap Trump in his pursuit of making America great again. Shapiro, wittingly, or unwittingly, joins in on that chorus with his incessant and needless “critiques” of the president.

Way too often we end up getting the mea culpa that “he was wrong,” and then morons applaud him for being so humble.

It’s time for Shapiro to admit he is a carbuncle infected with Trump derangement and that he simply doesn’t have the expertise to weigh in on certain topics but can’t help himself because he’s still high on childhood precociousness.


46 Comments on Ben Shapiro Knows So Much That Isn’t So

  1. Trust me, there are so many of us that are sick to death of the Ben Shapiro’s of the world that are supposed to be on Americas side but take every opportunity to throw President Trump under the bus in order to get invited onto Bill Maher’s show etc. Point being Democrats stick together no matter WHAT! They circle the wagon’s. Too many supposedly on OUR side, instantly throw our President under the bus whenever they can! And don’t even get me started on those RINOS in DC like McConnell etc. Sick to death of these people!

  2. I’m absolutely on the Trump train, grateful that he’s our commander-in-chief, proud of all he’s accomplishing.
    That said, Ben Shapiro doesn’t bother me because:
    1) he actually is a smart guy.
    2) he’s smart enough to admit when he’s wrong.
    3) he cares more about America than about being right or popular.
    As conservatives, we need to stop eating our own. If Ben is wrong about something, say so. If he’s right about something, say that he is. But let’s not turn into a right-wing echo chamber that’s drinking our own Kool-Aid, because then we start going down the road of being like the Left: where we burn people at the stake for not being 100 percent on board with everything we say and think, and we ruin people’s lives for failure to endorse our own positions hard enough.

  3. Bigfurhat well said!! –>

    And he constantly tilts against the “White Supremacy” windmill. Where are all these throngs of white supremacists that are supposedly ravaging the country?? When the words ‘white supremacy’ come out of someones mouth more than once per day it a sure sign that person speaking them is a progressive liberal.

  4. If Ben still blames Trump for the kerfuffle involving his reporter and Lewandowski and it is still clouding his objectivity, then he is less of a mensch than I thought he was. Enough already.
    If his TDS is philosophical, either he’s a fool and truly thinks that Felonia von Pantsuit would be a better Commander in Chief, or his obsession for ideological purity is a manifestation of his OCD and needs addressing by a healthy jolt of electro-shock therapy.

  5. CombatMissionary – yeah, we DO praise the right (even Benny) when it is doing something the right expects the person to do. And BFH has shown him tearing apart lefties on this blog.
    So one cannot say we don’t show the ‘good’ parts of Benny.

    As for “Eating ourselves”. The problem with Shapiro is, he ALWAYS has his damn bib on, stabbing at Trump. He cannot help himself. Tomorrow, he’ll undo whatever good he said about Trump.And it’ll be over a misspelled word or some other petty thing. And he’ll just HAVE to tell Twitter about it. That’s just who Benny is. You can applaud him, I’ll eye roll him. Thanks.

  6. BS comes under fire because of his own habit of doing what the left does — attacking people who are otherwise natural allies, just not 100% in agreement with them.

    So, yes, we shouldn’t be “eating ourselves” as the left does.
    But until BS puts down his fork & knife, and stops doing what the left does to those not in 100% agreement with them, he will continue to earn the deserved negative criticism.

    If Ben were a talented fast running back on a football team you couldn’t trust him because you’d never be sure if on the next play whether he’d run the ball toward his own team’s goal line or decide to instead run toward his team’s opponents goal line. WTF team members are not favorite teammates. And Ben is a WTF teammate.

  7. It would be nice if smarmy pricks like Ben would give the president the benefit of the doubt and wait until things have time to play out. He’s juggling several difficult negotiations between the worlds heavy hitters and weakening him at home by the constant sniping is cutting him off at the knees.
    Be positive or be quiet! It’s enough that he has to endure the vermin on the left.

  8. As conservatives, we need to stop eating our own. >

    Exactly. Ben should stop eating Trump.

    If Ben is wrong about something, say so. >>>

    I did. In this piece.

    If he’s right about something, say that he is.>>

    I do.

    But let’s not turn into a right-wing echo chamber that’s drinking our own Kool-Aid, because then we start going down the road of being like the Left: where we burn people at the stake for not being 100 percent on board with everything we say and think,>>>>

    This is my criticism of Shapiro when he takes unnecessary and cheap shots at the president.

    Your comment makes little sense in the aggregate.
    My criticism is that Ben attacks Trump for not being his ideal president, then you say I shouldn’t attack Ben because he’s not my ideal pundit.

    Which is more detrimental, me criticizing Shapiro or Shapiro criticizing the president?

    Keep in mind, I criticize Shapiro for being wrong. Shapiro is constantly apologizing for being wrong about Trump.

    I understand, it’s more important to be a Shapiro fanboi than it is to support our president, a president who doesn’t need Shapiro’s remarks to wake up every day to criticism.

  9. I did not know in 10/64 that Ronny knew Ben! But in THE SEECH he clearly talked about libs not knowing fact from fiction! Ben , like Luce, is, and always has been a lib GOP(?)!

    I do not mean to single out Ben! There are many, many leftist GOP !

  10. Spot ON, Big. I still love watching Ben go head-to-head with ignorant college students and/or their equally ignorant profs. BUT he’s been anti-Trump from the beginning (and brags that he didn’t vote for him).

  11. I thought I might listen to him several years
    ago and then he started in on Trump. I’ve ignored
    him since then as with that, he proved he was nowhere
    near as smart as some people believed.

  12. Years ago Rush used to joke about the cabal of haters who had nothing good to say about him, but when queried had to admit, that no, they never listen to him. I find the some odd phenomenon with Shapiro.

    I do listen to him. It does not matter that he has said several times on his show that he plans on voting for Trump in 2020, it does not matter that he has praised Trump on myriad policy issues, and it does not matter that he constantly admits on his show how pleasantly surprised he is at the conservative way Trump governs. Nope, all that does not matter because he was labeled a “never Trumper” which to me he was not. A Never Trumper actively roots for and votes for the opponent, Shapiro did not do that.

    CombatMissionary is right, although for the record I’ve been saying the same thing for a while now.

    @gin blossom

    “Be positive or be quiet!”

    Why? Isn’t it your duty as a citizen to hold elected leaders accountable, to criticize and praise when warranted and not be such a “homer” that it detracts from your obligations as a voter?

    People listen to Shapiro because he is not homer, he is not beholding to the GOP, and he understands that a democratic republic can only work if power rests with the people. His loyalty lies with his moral ethical convictions and whenever leaders act contrary to those values, he speaks up. Geez, shouldn’t we all be doing that?

    Sure, sometimes I say ,”Ben, give it a rest”, but ditto with Coulter, Prager, Watson, McCarthy, Levin and all the other right leaning pundits I value. Occasionally going off the rails (like we all do from time to time) is natural, nobody agrees with anyone all the time. But the enemy is the left, the fourth estate, progessivism, Antifa, the socialists and the Green New Dealers, Shapiro is on our side.

  13. Why I Will Never Vote for Trump – Ben Shapiro

    Shall we add this to the list of things he’s been wrong about, or are we sure he will be voting for Trump in 2020?

    Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said in an interview that aired Monday on “Rising” that President Trump’s “divisive way” of defending America has not been helpful.

    Shapiro is promoting his new book, “The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great,” in which he calls for more morals and faith in U.S. culture and society.

    … in terms of the educational mission, he’s I just don’t think qualified to really speak to the foundations of Western civilization,” he said.

    The conservative commentator said in a tweet late last year that Trump’s characterization of the news media as the “enemy of the people” has to stop.

    On not supporting a primary challenger:

    So let’s say [Nebraska Senator] Ben Sasse [or someone else] runs against Trump. It won’t just be that people are angry at Ben Sasse for running against Trump from inside the Republican Party; it would be that all of the principles that Ben Sasse brings to light that are in conflict with President Trump’s principles — [on which] I’m probably more likely to agree with Sasse than with Trump — are likely to become less popular as a result of primarying Trump than they would be if Trump weren’t primaried in the first place.


    So, the fear is a backlash against Sasse principles, which Shapiro agrees with over Trump, not that he supports Trump.

  14. If you watch that video there are points Shapiro makes that reveals he is not very smart.
    Take for instance the bit about Trump would be worth more if he took his 200 million and put it on the DOW for the last 30 years. (He brings this up to prove to his audience that Trump is not a great businessman.)

    Shapiro is not taking into account that during Trump’s ride he’s employed thousands of people and have raised their stations in life, while people he employe hired people themselves, and so on and so on.

    With this one point I can dismiss Shapiro as either dumber than people suspect, or that he knows better and he’s just lying to take Trump down.

  15. Shapiro is out of his league when it comes to issues of trade and international transactions, as are a lot of high profile libertarians (like Kennedy). I still listen or watch them, up to the point where they annoy me with their ignorance.

    For example, who gets hurt worse from in a tariff war? The nation that runs a trade deficit or the nation that runs a trade surplus? Yet the commentators on TV predict Armageddon if the president doesn’t immediately capitulates to those trade partners who have been cheating us for decades.

  16. @Rich Taylor

    There is a distinction you may be missing. Being positive doesn’t equate to forcing silence or precluding criticism.
    Read the comment again, try to slowly dissect what is being communicated and have an essay on my desk in the morning.

  17. “Shall we add this to the list of things he’s been wrong about, or are we sure he will be voting for Trump in 2020?”

    Of course not, but the mere mention of this punctuates a change in his prior thinking, wouldn’t you agree? He did not support Trump in 2016 so he would be far easier to just continue with the resistance, but no, he has said he does not feel the same way now and will vote for Trump;

    As for primarying Trump, he is not a fan;

    “On this we shall disagree. I find Shapiro to be a sneering little shit —

    OK, to be fair, that video is over 3 years old. Is there anything, anything at all in that video that is not factual? It was all those policy about faces (gun control, healthcare, immigration), the spooning with the Clinton’s and all the lying that made me suspect Trump initially. Do you really think that he never slept with all those women while married, that he did not tell McGan to fire Mueller then deny the conversation later, or all the other lies he has been caught in? I can relate to what Shapiro is saying because I also struggled with my presidential choices in 2016. I pulled the lever for Trump because of the alternative but any Trump voter who say they just knew he was going to govern conservatively is full of shit. His record prior spoke otherwise.

    “Shapiro is not taking into account that during Trump’s ride he’s employed thousands of people and have raised their stations in life, while people he employe hired people themselves, and so on and so on.”

    Alright, now I think you are reaching. Every business tycoon in history; Ford, Carnigie, Vanderbilt, and even the current ones, Gates, Jobs, Bezos, the Walton family, Zuckerberg, they all hired thousands and raised their station in life. No, if you are going to brag about your success as a businessman, the bottom line is your net worth.

  18. Shapiro is intelligent but he allows far to much of his personal pettiness to bleed into his arguments.
    His most annoying flaw is his voluminous inconsistency’s.

  19. @gin Blossom

    Flippancy aside, an essay is not needed. I did read your comment again and I suspect that you are one of those folks that does not listen to Shapiro and assumes that everything he says about the president is critical, that is not the case. And even if it were, do you really think that being critical of the president somehow weakens him at home or cuts him off at the knees?

    I view it differently. Trump’s supporters (which I number myself) have an obligation to watch him constantly, to keep him on the straight and narrow, to guide and offer advice, to remind him that he works for us, that no politicians job is secure. And yes, part of that guidance is not being a homer, to praise when he does good and criticize when he strays off mission.

  20. Shapiro is an intelligent guy but he allows way too much of his personal pettiness to bleed into his positions.
    What myself and others find annoying is his voluminous inconsistency’s.

  21. “Did you miss your afternoon meds?”

    “hum, got a mirror?”

    I always assume adults or at least serious people partake in these forums, sometimes I’m disappointed.

  22. See, this is what I don’t get, somebody provides an alternate opinion from yours and you feel threatened so you have to lash out and insult, exactly what the left does. Kinda like your ,”Be positive or be quiet” degree, we will only tolerate one point of view. Well, at least you didn’t call me a racist.

  23. Rich, you’re missing my point, and it is not a stretch.
    Saying Trump would have been more successful had he put his money in the DOW is a stupid statement.
    Trump is a builder. He built, and along the way he helped the economy in a way that wouldn’t have happened had he put the money in the bank and collected interest.

    Had he done that and ran for president, I’m sure the assholes looking to take potshots would have said, “he’s a billionaire because he put 200 million in the bank in 1978,” and it would be said with a sneer.

    Trump employed thousands and he’s a billionaire. Just what the frig is Shapiro’s gripe other than to try and tear Trump down with an absolutely ridiculous point?

  24. @BFH

    “Saying Trump would have been more successful had he put his money in the DOW is a stupid statement.”

    Or course it was silly, but he was being snarky, hence the ,”Hung out at the casino strip clubs” trailer to that same statement.

    I was also not impressed with Ben’s implication that because he failed a lot in past business ventures, that somehow this mitigates his later successes. Nobody achieved anything of real value without falling on their face a hundred times before getting it right.

    “Rich, you’re missing my point, and it is not a stretch.”

    Here’s the part that I thought was a stretch. Trump prides himself on his business chops and by all accounts he has been hugely successful in business, but how successful? We don’t know. We know that other business titans like Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, we know what they are worth because unlike Trump they are not sheepish about it. Now you could say that they are in different industries. OK, how about Steve Winn? He know that he is also a builder, also in the casino business, and we know that he is worth about $3 billion. Why is Trump, despite all his bragging about his business acumen, why is his net worth a secret? I think that was Ben’s point, transparency. But yeah, the stock market analogy was dumb.

    I don’t buy all the conspiracy junk on the left about him not releasing his tax returns because he does not want to reveal how little he really has. Trump, by any measure has been a huge success.

  25. Forbes lists Trump’s worth at $3.1 billion, Bloomberg has it at $2.8, yet Trump himself has said many times that he is worth $10 billion, that is quite a discrepancy.

    “What is clear, however, that he is very good at negotiation.”

    I want to see the details of this Mexico agreement but if it is legit and Mexico actually does secure their southern border, this is a major feather in his cap, a great accomplishment.

  26. Shapiro is best when up against people clearly not in his league.

    Regarding his opinions on Trump, he’s become irrelevant. Especially because his smartest kid in the room schtick, when it comes to all things political really does come down to him being right, and clearly popular with the Right Kind of People. Don’t tell me you can’t see it.

    This isn’t about eating our own for me. If he’s a verbal sharpshooter, let him fire away at a good fixed target. Perhaps help him find one. That he is capable of admitting he’s wrong is good? Good for him. No one is born knowing how things work, and perhaps he will ripen to a reliable small-c conservative, as opposed to a charter member of ConservativeInc. Otherwise, I (again) consider him irrelevant overall.

    RE: Trump “What is clear, however, that he is very good at negotiation.”
    What is equally clear is that he absolutely loves this country and is working to use every tool at his disposal to bring about our success.

  27. “Why is Trump, despite all his bragging about his business acumen, why is his net worth a secret?”

    Probably for the same reason as I don’t know yours. Not you, mine.
    If it were to have relevance (i’e,: business transaction such as mortgage or financing) those involved would probably know his worth, if necessary. Otherwise, it really isn’t anyone else’s business.
    Were Trump to reveal his worth, there would then proceed a ‘cultural/social scoring’ of how his wealth was obtained.

  28. @Toby Miles

    “Probably for the same reason as I don’t know yours. Not you, mine.”

    The obvious difference and why that comparison does not work is that we did not launch/validate our political career on our business acumen and net worth, we did not write books bragging about our negotiating skills which by implication translated into massive monetary success, and we did not get on an election stage and say ,”Vote for me because I know business, I’m a winner, and I can get deals done”, He did.

    Again, by any measure Trump has been a huge success both in business and in politics, I applaud him for that.

  29. “The obvious difference and why that comparison does not work is that…”

    It does work, and it has worked, but apparently it doesn’t work for you and some, few, others.
    Do you generally think that anyone’s financial records should be available to you, with the only requirement for their availability being your curiosity? Do you expect to find something nefarious, should they be revealed?
    The man is wealthy, and he has legally earned that wealth. As you have stated, you acknowledge that. Why is the extent of that wealth of such importance to you, that you would impose invasion of privacy to obtain it?
    Scary stuff incubating here.

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