Free Hugs and Margaritas At Naval War College – IOTW Report

Free Hugs and Margaritas At Naval War College

Washington Examiner

The Navy is investigating the president of the U.S. Naval War College over allegations he abused his authority, mismanaged college funds and offered ‘free hugs.’

Rear Adm. Jeffrey Harley took over as president of the Newport, Rhode Island, college in July 2016. The college, which grooms senior officers, faces a budget deficit of about $5 million. Harley approved about  $750,000 in raises in the same year, according to the Associated Press. More

13 Comments on Free Hugs and Margaritas At Naval War College

  1. July 2016? “Obama” appointee. ‘Nuff said.

    …interesting choice of words, though, to say that he “grooms senior officers”…I’ll just bet he DOES “groom” them, indeed…

  2. FTA: He allegedly behaved in ways staff found odd or inappropriate, including sending mass emails to students and teachers inviting them to his office for games of Twister or “free hugs.” He also kept a margarita machine in his office.

    What was the tip off? The Carmen Miranda bowl of fruit on his head or his Twister mat was repainted in only one color?

  3. What a shame.

    Ive had many folk i know go to RI for that school. And a man who wrote a book about how GWB wanted to loose the war not only went there but taught there. A Jarhead Dem. but he teamed up with anti Bush conservative T. Clancy to write a book. Which I read 15 years ago. I was doubtful at first; Tony was clearly a Dem and frequently bashed GOP in general. But It was clear that Tony and I had fought the same war in Nam AND WE BOTH LEARNED THE SAME THINGS! Dem or not Tony clearly understood. And he WAS RIGHT! We never won “The war on Terror” after 16 years!

    A good sailor (i was OK 60 years ago) could sail to the romantic Cape Cod in an hour.

    My world is going to Hell!
    the blessings of old age may be a curse. The War College was – WAS- a truly great place to learn how to kill!

  4. As far as I can find out he was never a line officer, probably was not swo qualified and did his tours behind a desk. A remf if you understand the term.
    As a blue water sailor I spent the bulk of my time in the med and the Persian gulf. Zero respect for him and those like him, in any branch.

  5. Sadly, since the 90’s onwards, anyone above O-6 tends to be a “political” flag officer.

    Mattis was the exception but Colon Powell is the poster boy


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