Police set-ups: The Dos and Don’ts – IOTW Report

Police set-ups: The Dos and Don’ts

I have little faith in the intelligence of the average person. They don’t seem to grasp the basic fundamentals of why their idiotic arguments are implausible.

Take for instance the belief that the police set-up O.J.

Never happened.


Because I would think the most basic rule of setting a perp up is to make sure it is possible for the person to have committed the crime.

The police would have a lot of explaining to do if they set up O.J. by planting his blood at a crime scene and planting a glove back at his house and smearing blood inside his car if O.J. was, say, out of the country.

This is why there is little doubt O.J. was not framed.

Similarly, the police did not frame 5 kids for the brutal rape of a jogger in Central Park.

How do we know that?

Because he victim was still alive but unable to speak. How would it look if the police set up 5 underage black kids to take the fall and the woman awoke from her coma to tell them she was raped by a blue-eyed white guy?

The police are not stupid. But people who think they would frame people in these “unframeable” situations are.


14 Comments on Police set-ups: The Dos and Don’ts

  1. It’s not about ‘stupid,’ but about the gravey train enough people want to get on for free – both voters and swamp/left/islamist activists.

    A society in chaos cries out for a strong leader. The swamp/left/islamics wants the rescuer (and dictator) to be one of them.

  2. Occam’s Razor slices through most of the ‘framed’ and other conspiracy theories.

    Really: It would be a lot of work to set these scenarios up and a lot more to keep all involved quiet. So, I generally believe the simplest explanation.

    Except for the intrigue surrounding the Clintons, because of the body count in their wake… Gotta wonder…

    And if I never post again, please wonder what happened to me…

  3. Frame jobs do in fact happen (although less today then in the past) more out police laziness or expediency and not because of any animus towards the perp.

    Typically someone is brought in while still in the investigative stage and the guy initially looks good. The cops get lazy, they got a suspect, let the DA figure it out so they will embellish a bit to make it look more slam dunk than it really is. Another case wrapped up.

    Other misconduct is when the cops find exculpatory evidence that weakens their case and either don’t share it with the DA or the DA does not provide to the defense, DA’s live and die by their conviction rates.

    The reason I say it happens less today is because technology (body and dash cams) and DNA goes a long way in not convicting the wrong person. That and reputations. If any DA knows or suspects that a particular cop is dirty, or lazy, of never brings her winnable cases, she just won’t file his arrest reports, he is then taken off the street, which no cop wants.

    Re: OJ, there was one piece of evidence that could never be explained and should have been the silver bullet; how did Ron Goldman’s blood get inside OJ’s vehicle?

    “I have little faith in the intelligence of the average person.”

    That’s because like sperm counts average IQ’s are dropping, attention spans are dropping, and more and more folks are governed by their emotions and biases instead of reason.

  4. “I have little faith in the intelligence of the average person.”
    So Gruber is correct. And sadly I agree.

    And expanding out from the cop thing, when you add the “E over I” theory it gets worse. Beliefs, actions and interactions based on Emotions instead of Intellect often gets one in trouble. Ask the emotional midget Anymouse how he knows.

    Then take it one step further and you have the “True Believer Theory.” Doesn’t matter the subject, the true believer can and will justify ANYTHING to further his/her true belief.

    Anymouse knows these things because he took ONE course in psychology over fifty years ago in college.

    I’ll check back on the discussion…

  5. Agreed. The more complex the frame job, the more unlikely it is to be executed without mistakes that ultimately lead to the truth. A more successful strategy is employed by people like Hillary Clinton: hire pro’s to leave zero evidence. No frame-up; just an unsolvable mystery. (Of course, even pro’s make mistakes. But if you have millions, you can find the best.)

    But, this still leaves the question: do cops have above average IQ’s these days? Personally, I think they used to but now they’re declining. Why would an intelligent kid in their 20’s want to mix it up with the scum in a Seattle, Portland, San Francisco… or South Bend, Indiana?

  6. The examples offered of two racially charged cases had more to do with black social resentments fueled by liberal dogma that pressured the authorities to let those clearly guilty go free.
    There are many examples of police framing people but not these two cases.

  7. There are no doubt many more “stupid” people out there than would seem normal. The democrat voter is the perfect example, they judge issues based on emotional urges rather than carefully examining issues and reaching a logical conclusion. Their views are clouded with projections of how they feel things should be rather than how they are.

  8. @jimmy

    “do cops have above average IQ’s these days?”

    Compared to what?
    I’d say they are reflective of the community as a whole, not dumber but not smarter either. There are other attributes that are more necessary, things like superior communication skills (both speaking and writing), good judgement, an even keel demeanor (calm, measured, not overly reactive) and an adherence to a regular physical fitness regimen.

    “Why would an intelligent kid in their 20’s want to mix it up with the scum in a Seattle, Portland, San Francisco… or South Bend, Indiana?”

    Well, for one thing, the pay. Big city cops, at least here in California, all bring home 6 figures, overtime pay can add 50% to that. The benefits, most have a 3% at 50 rule, meaning you can retire at 50 years of age with 3% for every year of service. And job security, of course. Factor in the most big city cops do not stay on the street, they either go admin,. or lateral to another city, one smaller and much quieter.

  9. Frame up debunked with one example

    Police said the killer wore size 12 Bruno Magli shoes, due to a footprint of same found at crime scene. Police had no idea Simpson had a pair of these. And seeing as how OJ would have gotten rid of these things, it would have been impossible to prove. So being THAT specific hurts credibility

    At trial, Simpson denied he owned a pair. In a later wrongful death trial, a picture of OJ wearing these shoes is introduced, So where’s the setup, seeing as how this charge was proven to be true. And how can any sane person doubt that OJ did it after that?

    I mean, what’s the theory — that the murder was committed by that OTHER guy in LA who wears a size twelve Bruno Magli who just decided, for no reason at all, to go utterly berserk and almost decapitate an attractive middle aged woman and her friend? Sounds a little shaky to me

  10. No Blushes
    JUNE 9, 2019 AT 5:02 AM
    “It’s amazing, the scale of worthless scum from beat cop, to detective to prosecutors.
    Yet it never gets called out for what it is,,”

    Ouch. I am one of those that you speak of in your comment. Do you speak from experience?

  11. Whether the police deliberately “frame” innocent people out of malevolence is open to debate….some cops are sociopathic enough
    to actually do such things. But generally it’s more a question of
    “lets get this case closed and a conviction”……more of a bookkeeping
    issue where they are incentivized to do their best to get an arrest/conviction/plea for every crime. And to do so they take the easy
    way out. ANYONE who ‘looks good’ and can’t categorically PROVE they did NOT commit the crime is fair game. The cops are really just interested in balancing the books. If they get the right perpetrator fine….and if they don’t….OH WELL. At least our arrest and conviction numbers look good.

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