Canadian Grocer Tries To Shame Customers Into Using Their Reusable Bags – IOTW Report

Canadian Grocer Tries To Shame Customers Into Using Their Reusable Bags

If you don’t bring your own bags they pack your food into bags that have printing designed to shame you.

It wouldn’t work on me. In fact, I prefer them. I really do not G.A.S. what people think, so I cannot be shamed.

It’s so liberating.


33 Comments on Canadian Grocer Tries To Shame Customers Into Using Their Reusable Bags

  1. I once left for my truck across a busy parking lot with a bag advertising wholesale joy prongs and barely made it back through a crowd of inquisitive purple haired women.

  2. So what’s wrong with giving their patrons paper bags? We were using those for decades before these plastic abominations came along. And don’t say anything about saving the trees – there’s so much news and magazine paper available today that in many places it’s being buried in landfills instead of being recycled.

    Sometimes old technology doesn’t need to be replaced, folks. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

  3. …I’m not really sure how this is supposed to work. I don’t carry my grocery bags anywhere but to the car from the store, and from the car to the house. After that, they are garbage bags, and no one’s gonna see them but the garbage man at 0-dark-early in the morning, and he doesn’t care.

    …People who shop at the store will see them, but since they already KNOW the store does this, they would be very well aware that the bag text has nothing to do with its contents, and therefore not pay any more attention to yours, than you do to theirs.

    …and yes, I may store them at the house until it’s garbage time, but I am not personally in the habit of showing my shopping bags to visitors, and if they are the sort that is going to pull my garbage bags out of the garbage can to see what they say, I’m pretty sure I don’t want them over to the house anymore ANYWAY…

  4. I like going around sporting goods parking lots to collect ’em…
    …so, whenever I go past some whiny Leftist, I can hand them one and say
    “Go eat a bag of Dick’s!”

  5. …it might be fun to see if any businesses with similar names actually EXIST, so they could send this store a cease-and-desist letter they can frame and treasure forever as a monument to their liberal stupidity…

  6. I like how they put their name on the bag. They’re trying to make the customer feel ashamed, but… they put their store’s name on the bags. I’m not sure who is really supposed to be shamed here. lol

  7. The Good GENERAL Svejk JUNE 9, 2019 AT 10:25 AM
    ‘I like going around sporting goods parking lots to collect ’em…
    …so, whenever I go past some whiny Leftist, I can hand them one and say
    “Go eat a bag of Dick’s!”’

    …not that lefties aren’t perpetually angry anyway, but bear in mind that most of the male ones would probably ENJOY a bag of dicks, and would be angry when they looked inside and didn’t FIND any…

  8. I can’t be shamed either. I have nice canvas bags for shopping. Canadians are nice people but weak. Had a Canadian who tried to shame me in Quebec during the election. Well, she asked, I answered, she didn’t like my answer. I told her not to ask if she doesn’t like the response. She shut her pie hole.

  9. It’s ironic.
    Lead is used in the printing process on plastic bags.
    So these “environmentally aware” store owners are increasing pollution of the environment by forcing plastic bags with printing onto their customers.

  10. Just last night I got an arm load of groceries, no cart or basket just what I could carry. Cashier proceeded to place no more than 2 items per bag and I spoke up, “please put it all in ONE bag.” She looks at me cross eyed and says, “are you sure? that will never hold.” I said I’m sure, just do it. She does it. But then doubles the bag and then triples the bag, and on top of that places my meat in a separate bag inside the big bag. So I ended up with 4 bags to do the work of one. I couldn’t really care less about the waste, but I begin to see why there is discussion about passing laws.

    Illinois is about to enact a statewide grocery bag tax. That’s fine, so long as I dictate how many bags they use. The grocery bagger always seems to think they know better than the customer. Let’s run thru this: I just strolled up to your register with my arms full and NO bags, and now you seem to think I need a slew of them to get out the door.

  11. I just thought of something that could be a lot of fun.

    So, these virtue signalling retailers believe that reusing bags is going to save the planet, right? Therefore, they are trying to conserve the planet. If a retailer ever made a big deal at the checkout for me to bring my own bags, I’d loudly proclaim how wonderful they are to be a conservative shop owner.

  12. I’ve got a different take on this. Few, if any, East West Market customers will stop shopping at the store. Some new people will show up and make purchases because for whatever reason they want a few of the gag bags. The net to the store owner is an increase in business. I’d say he’s no dummy.

  13. I recall a while back they had a big push for reusing shopping bags and a whole bunch of people became sick from the bacteria that was multiplying and contaminating the bags by reusing. Unintended consequences.

  14. Shame them back. Get their names from their name tags. Put a little note on your paper money. Something like “(East West Manager) does anal for a dollar.” or ” (East west cashier) the cheapest hooker in Canada.” The money will circulate a lot more than the bags.

  15. If shaming isn’t working. Fear of being attacked might.

    Putting the groceries in MAGA bags would probably work better, even in Canada. Or bags with a picture of Mohammad, but then there’s a risk the nutjobs might also burn down the store after beheading the owners/managers/store employees.

  16. Decades ago, it was the enviromentalists demanded we switch to plastic bags and save our trees by using wood pulp to make paper bags. These idiots will never be happy. Mindless skulls full of mush.
    The best use of plastic bags I can think of is to put them over the heads of the wacko enviros.

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