Woman Learns Lesson About the Left’s Idiotic Protected Class Pecking Order – IOTW Report

Woman Learns Lesson About the Left’s Idiotic Protected Class Pecking Order

Had this woman snapped a picture of a metro worker wearing a MAGA hat she’d be the toast of the town.

But that’s not what happened.

She snapped a picture of a black woman METRO worker who was illegally eating on the train and complained that commuters weren’t allowed to do so.

The audacity of this this woman (who is Jordanian- not worth shit compared to a black woman civil servant) to try and shame a black woman and possibly get her fired!

We’ll fire you instead-


Rare Bird is aware that an author distributed by us, Natasha Tynes, and published by an imprint that is sub-distributed by us, California Coldblood, did something truly horrible today in tweeting a picture of a metro worker eating her breakfast on the train this morning and drawing attention to her employer. Black women face a constant barrage of this kind of inappropriate behavior directed toward them and a constant policing of their bodies. We think this is unacceptable and have no desire to be involved with anyone who thinks it’s acceptable to jeopardize a person’s safety and employment in this way.

Tynes is suing.

12 Comments on Woman Learns Lesson About the Left’s Idiotic Protected Class Pecking Order

  1. …hmm, protected Democrat worker vs. Privileged Muslim “author” vs. Lefty publishing house.

    …all I can say is…

    …”Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.”

    ..and, maybe pop some corn…

  2. If you click on the link that leads to the Twitter thread, you will see that black America’s addiction to victimization is at a sick level right now. Their “victim is hero” culture is pathetic. All that swagger and sass and street cred but when you get right down to it, much of black America is just a bunch of absolute crybabies. Many of them are absolutely so soft. Many are just fine people too, decent and mature. But the overall mentality of Black America is one of seeking out scenarios in which they can indulge in their lifeblood, passion and one true joy: faux victimhood.

  3. Had the transit worker been white, there would not have been any backlash; that is undeniable. However I believe that the transit worker’s race directly influenced her belief that the rules didn’t apply to her; black privilege. Having said that, I might have sent the video to the transit authority first, and maybe posted it on social media after they (inevitably) did nothing. Few things piss me off more than “authority figures” who think they are above the rules, and then get snarky when they are confronted. Whether that person is a presidential candidate or a transit worker.

  4. I would have ignored the eater and moved along. Why do people feel the need to share every blessed fart and burp on social media? Shaming someone for eating on the Metro? Why not shame the asshats who keep their seats and refuse to offer a seat to a person with a cast crutches or the very old.

    As for this: ‘Black women face a constant barrage of this kind of inappropriate behavior directed toward them and a constant policing of their bodies.’
    What kind of person views black women as eternal victims?

  5. “Shaming someone for eating on the Metro?”

    She wasn’t just someone. She’s an employee, on the clock, under a clear directive NOT to eat on the job. If we don’t start shaming those who we pay (with taxes) to do their public service jobs right, things won’t get any better.

  6. I get it grool. As occupied as I am with health issues I still probably would have ignored it. Had I reported the violation it would have been have been directly to her employer and not using social media. The social media thing always makes me think of Donald Sutherland at the end of ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’.

  7. So the story ain’t fresh except for the suing part. Anybody here familiar with contract law?

    Would hope that a publishing house would have the liars, eer lawyers, to crush her in or before entering the court room.

  8. Just WTF is a “Jordanian-American?”

    There are two kinds of people on my planet: Americans, and everyone else. There are no hyphenated Americans, and if one claims to be one…then no, one is not.

    Get over it…and get out. You have to go back.


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