Leftism is an active threat to our children – Matt Walsh – IOTW Report

Leftism is an active threat to our children – Matt Walsh


Ten years ago, there was no such thing as “drag kids” or drag queen story hours. Leftists would have called you a paranoid lunatic had you predicted that such things would come to pass. Now both are utterly commonplace, yet leftists will insist that even though grown men in dresses like to hang out with little children at libraries, and adults like to go to gay bars to watch boys dance around in skirts and high heels, there is nothing sexual about any of it.

Ten years from now, or maybe sooner, they will admit that it is sexual but insist that there is nothing wrong with a young boy and a grown man getting together, so long as it is consensual. You do not need to be Nostradamus to see this next step. It is right in front of us, clear as day.


12 Comments on Leftism is an active threat to our children – Matt Walsh

  1. It’s easy to predict leftist vision. Eventually, there will be a term “Pedo-phobic” directed to those who do not support pedophilia. And the MSM will make you, all of the sudden, feel like a bigot for not supporting such a “righteous” thing.

  2. My wife has been running a large pre-school in Sacramento for 20+ years.
    Only recently has the issue of transgender kids come up.
    Before that, nada.
    Excuse the Espanol, I am in Mexifornia. Its a habit.

  3. The traditional family is a threat to the left and therefore they believe it must be taken out so the State can do the role of the parents job.

    This has been part of their basic strategy for the past 50 years plus.

  4. I don’t believe walsh.

    Look into who he is connected to. And connected to in the past.

    He’s in DEEP. Controlled limited opposition.

    Shit i wouldn’t even bet that he DIDN’T sell his own son.

  5. I posted the article on our library’s fb pg. They had some guy in drag who looked like something out of a horror movie read to kids last week. Walsh is right on.

  6. couple years ago the Islamic stories national thing was making the rounds at public libraries across the nation. In one small town I walked by a back window at a library that was closed and saw islamic garb and Arabic writing through the window. Also inside was a book about how school teachers should treat muzlim students. this is all hogwash

    One person from our county seat protested the islamic program and he was vilified by the small-town lefty newspaper. Interestingly, a building in the small town is owned by the family of a young man who turned islamic and got in trouble for terror-related weapons charges in metro Detroit area–also involved with a radical imam from MD, if I’m not mistaken. The newspaper never made a peep of course.

    It was called this and it was national from American Library Association 2013

  7. When I was in school nobody knew anything about queers, except that training film about Steve The Homosexual. If Steve tried to sniff your butt you were expected to kick him harshly in the nuts and gouge out his eyes. Then go straight to Sheriff Harbottle who would locate Steve and shoot him like a rabid dog with his Colt Peacemaker.

    There we no queers in our high school, or any of the rest of the schools, except the female PE teachers. And that was fine.


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