John Durham Investigating Role of ‘Foreign Intelligence Services’ in Russia Probe – IOTW Report

John Durham Investigating Role of ‘Foreign Intelligence Services’ in Russia Probe

The Department of Justice’s investigation into the origins of the 2016 Russia probe is “broad in scope and multifaceted” and will examine potential involvement of “foreign intelligence services,” a top agency official said on Monday.

Breitbart: In a letter to Congress, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd provided an outline of the investigation to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) after the congressional leader’s inquiry into the review.

Attorney General William Barr said last month that he had directed John Durham, the United States attorney in Connecticut and a veteran prosecutor, to determine if law enforcement and intelligence authorities engaged in improper surveillance as they investigated potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign to sway the 2016 presidential election.

“It is now well-established that, in 2016, the U.S. government and others undertook certain intelligence-gathering and investigative steps directed at persons associated with the Trump campaign,” said the letter from Boyd, the department’s top liaison to Congress.

“As the Attorney General has stated publicly at congressional hearings and elsewhere, there remain open questions relating to the origins of this counter-intelligence investigation and the U.S. and foreign intelligence activities that took place prior to and during that investigation,” the letter said.

The point of the review, Boyd added, “is to more fully understand the efficacy and propriety of those steps” and to answer open questions for the attorney general.

Further, Boyd revealed Durham was reviewing potential involvement of foreign intelligence services. Former Trump aide George Papadopoulos told Fox News last month that an informant who was likely “CIA and affiliated with Turkish intel” had posed as a Cambridge University research assistant in September 2016 and tried to “seduce him” to obtain information linking the Trump team to Russia,” Fox News notes.

Durham is “very dialed in” to the sweeping review, Fox News has also reported, and has met with Barr “on multiple occasions in recent weeks” in Washington, D.C. He is asking “all the right questions,” Justice Department sources told the news outlet. MORE

16 Comments on John Durham Investigating Role of ‘Foreign Intelligence Services’ in Russia Probe

  1. There’s something interesting I missed when I first read Boyd’s “scope” letter to Nadler. The first sentence:

    This letter responds to your request for information relating to a review currently being conducted by the U. S. Department of Justice (Department) into certain activities involving the campaigns in the 2016 presidential election and certain related matters (Review).

    The interesting something is that word “campaigns” – it’s plural.

  2. The biggest problem I have with this Deep State is those players actually believed that Trump was not allowed to be President because he doesn’t play along like the rest of them do. That’s their justification and they’re still sticking to it.

  3. Different Tim, this is really good news. If you know anything about Durham, he is a no bullshit, non partisan tenacious by the book prosecutor who butted heads with the FBI in the past, but most of all, he is a winner.

    This is Nadler’s/Schiff’s/Pelosi’s worst nightmare, aside from the dynamic lights out firing on all cylinders economy that Trump gave us, you know they just hate economic prosperity for the middle class.

    I have no doubt that Durham will deliver the goods, but I have some doubt that the GOP will be able to parley it into an effective political strategy. The Dems are masters of spin, deflection, and obfuscation, this rotten piece of cheese needs to be put under the noses of every American, is the GOP up to it?

  4. Uncle Al – I’m thinking one of the campaigns is Ben Carson’s. Because that’s where Papadopoulos worked at first. Because Hillary couldn’t take the chance that voters wanted to go with another black guy. Same goes for Cruz. She couldn’t be sure she would beat a Latino.
    I doubt she’s have them spying on JEB! Bush & Clintons are best buds.

  5. I think the reference made was hinting at the Hillary campaign. That’s what has the Nadler committee in a frenzy to put out a smoke screen to obscure the trail right back to them. They were all complicit in the strategy to sink Trump.

  6. In general terms alone they know that the public is being given a glimpse into how things really operate in DC. All the back room dealings and sordid behavior of the insiders who’ve pulled the strings to ensure they decide who enters the club, not the voters.

  7. I know Italy doesn’t immediately come to mind when you say Intelligence Services, but there seems to be some shit happening there. Along with The Five Eyes of course.

  8. The Uniparty was humming along quite nicely until Trump got in. Now they are all, and that’s on both side of the isle, more than upset. They want the power and money back. Its hard to say just who’s wearing white hats in this life and death battle for control. America needs to wake up before our ship goes down and start observing instead of just looking.


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