Dean’s Testimony A Disaster For Dems – IOTW Report

Dean’s Testimony A Disaster For Dems

It was to be the kick-off for the House Judiciary Committee’s plan to lead the impeachment of the president, when Chairman Jerry Nadler called John Dean to testify before his committee yesterday. It turned into a public beating thanks to Republican committee members Doug Collins (R-GA) Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL) who got ahold of the former counsel to Richard Nixon and convicted obstructer of justice.




15 Comments on Dean’s Testimony A Disaster For Dems

  1. John Dean, the manufacturer of the Watergate cover-up, is now making a fortune off comparing his handiwork to every pseudo political situation the DemocRATs try to pin on Republicans (It should be illegal for a convicted crook to benefit off his past illegal criminal activities)!

  2. Nadler needs to work on his come backs. He just never had it, he is a perfect failure for the democrats. Most likely caused by slow thought processing and a lack of actual facts.

  3. I don’t know why, but I’m still astounded by corrupt convicted felons who proudly tout their importance in front of millions.
    I have more respect for a 10 cent hooker. At least she’s not ripping anyone off.

  4. When I first heard the Dems were calling on Dean to testify, I thought the Republicans should call G. Gordon Liddy to rebut. But when I saw Gaetz give dean a thorough reaming, I thought “no G-man needed”.

  5. Tony R JUNE 11, 2019 AT 6:16 PM
    ‘When I first heard the Dems were calling on Dean to testify, I thought the Republicans should call G. Gordon Liddy to rebut. But when I saw Gaetz give dean a thorough reaming, I thought “no G-man needed”.’

    …I used to listen to GG before he went to satellite, and as I recall, Mr. Liddy made it perfectly clear that Dean would NOT survive meeting him again…


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