Thousands of Leftist Morons Take to Twitter and Make Believe They Love McCain in Order to Disrupt President’s Birthday – IOTW Report

Thousands of Leftist Morons Take to Twitter and Make Believe They Love McCain in Order to Disrupt President’s Birthday

You just have to laugh at these low IQ mattress stains. They are on twitter posting loving homages to John McCain because they think it will bother the president.

John McCain, the guy they loathed when he ran against Obama, is being weaponized, petulantly, against the president they claim is petulant.

I had no idea how prescient this was when I created it–>

This is an example of what you’ll see on the now trending #JohnMcCainDay.

You know what I’m responding with?

This ACTUAL tweet by Hillary.


15 Comments on Thousands of Leftist Morons Take to Twitter and Make Believe They Love McCain in Order to Disrupt President’s Birthday

  1. Liberals have whole closets full of corpses they frequently drag out to crowds of 10s, maybe even as many as hundreds. The rancidity does tend to keep the crowds small and intimate. They say Misery Loves Company. All you can eat.

  2. I don’t know if I’m the only one out there besides close McCain family members, but I can’t seem to stop watching replays of his six funeral services. Of course, I’m watching them just to assure myself that the phony bastard is still dead. Same thing for Michael Jackson. A nation consumed with grief fed by an outpouring of excessive media attention. Perhaps they will turn on McCain one day, but I doubt it. In case anyone wants to view McCain’s interminable departure without wasting six days watching all his fake admirers lie about him, I recommend just watching the final sixty seconds at Annapolis. He’s still dead and in Hell.

  3. geeknerd JUNE 14, 2019 AT 1:48 PM
    ‘Somebody quick rewrite lyrics for “John McCain’s Body” sung to the tune of “John Brown’s Body.”’

    John McCain’s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    John McCain’s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    John McCain’s body lies a-moldering in the grave
    But his lies go marching on
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    The devil down in hell torments his Songbird gleefully
    From the grave of old John McCain
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
    Trump’s STILL your Pres-i-Dent

  4. jellybean JUNE 14, 2019 AT 1:56 PM
    “I think there’s something to be said about people that go out of their way to show their ignorance, pettiness and lack of maturity.”

    …well, ONE thing you can say, is to call them by the foulest, nastiest, most disgusting name in the annals of human history, one that rings over centuries of death, disunion, and treason, a name that has NEVER been truly associated with anything decent or any good works of this Nation, one by which the people who use it disparage the very children of God while trying to corrupt His handiwork in a foul quest to place themselves above even HIM…

    That name.

    I apologize for not warning you that I would use such vile language, but it’s just what they ARE. And there is nothing good in them.

    As it is with their true father.

    (speaking to Democrats, which they apparently had even when Jesus walked the Earth).

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    -John 8:44

  5. Liberals are so thin skinned they can’t even stand to hear ideas that are in conflict with their own and need safe rooms and crayons to deal with seeing anything MAGA related so it makes perfect sense they’d assume Trump and the rest of us would be as easily rattled. Pretending McCain was great is the last thing that upsets anyone. So predictable and dumb.

  6. Mama always said “If you can’t say something nice about someone, then don’t say anything at all.”

    “John McCain is dead and that’s good.”


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