Gender Stereotypes Will Be Banned in UK Advertisements – IOTW Report

Gender Stereotypes Will Be Banned in UK Advertisements

I’m not sure if I follow the logic behind this movement.

Here is an example of an ad they find offensive-

I’m pretty offended that they assume the person on the left is a man, and the person on the right is a woman.

Unless you are insufficiently woke you can’t possibly see gender stereotypes in this photo.

And where are genders 3 through 205?


Other situations likely to fall foul of the new rule include:

  • Adverts which show a man or a woman failing at a task because of their gender, like a man failing to change a nappy or a woman failing to park
  • Adverts aimed at new mothers which suggest that looking good or keeping a home tidy is more important than emotional wellbeing
  • Adverts which belittle a man for carrying out stereotypically female roles – The nation’s advertising watchdog introduced the ban because it found evidence suggesting that adverse stereotypes could “restrict the choices, aspirations and opportunities of children, young people and adults and these stereotypes can be reinforced by some advertising, which plays a part in unequal gender outcomes.”

Blazing Cat Fur has the links HERE.


16 Comments on Gender Stereotypes Will Be Banned in UK Advertisements

  1. …can they still show an advert with a Muslim failing to be a decent human being? More likely, they will pretend like Islam is a gender along with pretending like it’s a race so they can squash the few remaining critics they have of the expanding British Caliphate…

  2. jellybean JUNE 14, 2019 AT 2:54 PM
    “There seems NO end to the control liberals demand over the people.
    It’s easy to see but stunning to know so many idiots fall for it.”

    …It’s “For The Children”

    …the ones they haven’t killed yet, that is…

  3. Actually, women now appear in condom and viagra ads because when it comes to selling things to men, nothing works like sex. But how do you cast a man in a tampon ad? Maybe a guy claiming “I’m usually embarrassed when my significant other asks me to pick up a crate of tampons, but that’s not the case with Brawny Brand Tampons because there’s a picture of a hot chick driving a pickup truck on the box.” (I actually don’t know how these products are packaged and sold.)

  4. Don’t the Brits have anything better to do, maybe like track down some Muslim child rapist?
    Hard to believe they were what was standing in the way of Hitler taking over all of Europe. I’m sure without Churchill and the US they would have been toast. Now it seems they’ve about had it.

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