Canadian government gives federal grant to Islamic charity suspended for arming jihad terrorists – IOTW Report

Canadian government gives federal grant to Islamic charity suspended for arming jihad terrorists

Jihad Watch: What could possibly go wrong? Any other course of action would have been “Islamophobic.”

“Charity suspended over terror financing concerns gets Canada Summer Jobs grant,” by Stewart Bell, Global News, June 13, 2019 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A Toronto-area organization that was suspended by charities regulators and fined $550,000 over concerns it may have funded armed militants in Pakistan has been awarded a federal summer jobs grant.  more

8 Comments on Canadian government gives federal grant to Islamic charity suspended for arming jihad terrorists

  1. The Chinese call him “Little Potato” and his imbecile trade secretary thought it was a compliment. Little Tater Tot. he has Canada in a financial shambles.

  2. 21 October can’t come fast enough. Trudope can go back to what he does best on 22 October: Being a drug addled, trust fund baby, ski bum.

    As soon as the new government is installed, their first item of business should be to enact a lifetime ban on anyone named Trudope becoming PM of Canada.

  3. I am so FKN SORRY FOR THIS A__hole! As a conservative Canadian I APOLOGIZE to the reasonable people of the world (esp. USA) that somebody, although nobody ever admits it, voted for him!

    CSIS just deleted the file they had on his father according to Canada’s State Broadcaster (Pravda Canada)


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