Gang activity plagues highly gentrified Columbia Heights, Washington D.C. – IOTW Report

Gang activity plagues highly gentrified Columbia Heights, Washington D.C.

DC: A deadly gang war is in progress in one of the most gentrified neighborhoods in the nation’s capital, and police say it will likely pursue through the summer.

Many of the shootings in Columbia Heights, Washington, D.C., this year were related to drugs, which are typically run by various gangs in Columbia Heights, according to Capt. Ralph McLean of the 3rd District Police Department. He confirmed to The Daily Caller News Foundation that there is an ongoing gang-based drug war in the D.C. neighborhood.

“We don’t know if it’s a dispute internal to the gang or a dispute between two gangs,” McLean told TheDCNF. He referred to the situation as an “internal dispute.”

There were 12 reports of shootings in Columbia Heights between May 9 and April 29. Sometimes, multiple shootings were reported, according to posts from PoPville. Occasionally the police would arrive to find no perpetrators, just empty shell casings and bullet holes in cars.

There are multiple gangs in Columbia Heights, and they are all exclusively black or Latino, McLean said. In Washington, D.C., gangs are usually composed of a group or association of neighbors, and they are all “ethnospecific.”  more


19 Comments on Gang activity plagues highly gentrified Columbia Heights, Washington D.C.

  1. Good thing that the Heller decision forced DC to change their anti-gun laws so now residents can use their guns for self-defense, right? RIGHT? (Crickets chirping)

  2. This must be a mistake. Guns are illegal in DC, therefore there cannot possibly be gun crimes.

    Next up, Democrats to outlaw bad weather. Which is kind of what they pretend Climate Change legislation is for. Works just about as well, too…

  3. OMG!

    Not in my neighborhood!!!

    Maybe some of the richy-rich snooty uppty-ups will change their tune when THEY and their loved ones get to suffer the same fate as the low-brows in the fly-over parts of the country when becoming an innocent victim of gang violence.

    Things will NEVER change until the rich are made to suffer from their bad decisions.

  4. @Thirdtwin:

    “ethnospecific”…try saying that three times fast. What a stupid piece of jargon that is.

    Indeed, and not just stupid but also racist. I mean, whenever anybody else does anything “ethnocentric” they’re called racists (whether or not they actually ARE racists).

  5. ‘There are multiple gangs in Columbia Heights, and they are all exclusively black or Latino, McLean said. In Washington, D.C., gangs are usually composed of a group or association of neighbors, and they are all “ethnospecific.”’

    …Democrats in Congress to order DC Police to look for the White Supremacists responsible in 3…2…1…

  6. …It would be pointless for the DC Police to chase them, anyway. Since there isn’t a White person in sight, the arrest would obviously have some minority arrested out of proportion to their purported percentage of the U.S. population, and there would therefore be a finding that the arrests had a “Disparate Impact” on minorities and was therefore rayciss, resulting in the DC Police department being put under DOJ supervision with everyone being retrained on racial sensitivity, with one or two of the officers involved in the arresting being imprisoned themselves as an example and subject to civil rights suits until impoverished, while the poor, put-upon gangsters are released and handsomely compensated by the Federal Government for all the wrongs done to Black people since the foundation of the White race…

  7. White D.C. democrats thought they could incentivize civil behavior of blacks by bribing them with free shit. Free range gimmedats became less civil and more criminal. The democrat party’s solution? More free shit! And that’s not working Huh? Shocker.

  8. The linked article mentions an “affording housing complex” in the neighborhood which is apparently a “hot bed” of violence and crime. Chicago has gentrified some neighborhoods in the South Loop, and key pieces of equipment were bulldozers. Specifically, Chicago bulldozed all of their projects (i.e. affordable housing).

    “Gentrification” is an interesting term. Basically, developers move out the riff-raff, build housing that people actually pay for, and encourage businesses to move in. Not surprisingly, once the riff-raff is gone, areas become safer, crime goes down and people want to be there – which is a good thing. Apparently the fine folks of Columbia Heights decided to virtue signal along with their gentrification process by allowing a project to remain, for which they are now paying.

  9. @Lazlo The Elder June 18, 2019 at 10:11 am

    > If its Gentrified, I would expect duels with Seconds and a Physician present

    Would you settle for sloppy seconds and a “pharmacist”?

  10. “In Washington, D.C., gangs are usually composed of a group or association of neighbors, and they are all “ethnospecific.”

    Well those SJW better get on Twitter and start getting to work shaming the gangs. I find this lack of diversity troubling.


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