RNC chairwoman: Trump raised more than $25M in less than 24 hours for reelection – IOTW Report

RNC chairwoman: Trump raised more than $25M in less than 24 hours for reelection

The Hill:

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Wednesday said President Trump has raised nearly $25 million in less than 24 hours.

“@realDonaldTrump has raised a record-breaking $24.8M in less than 24 hours for his re-election,” McDaniel tweeted. “The enthusiasm across the country for this President is unmatched and unlike anything we’ve ever seen! #trump2020 #KeepAmericaGreat.”

Trump quickly replied, tweeting “THANK YOU!”

Trump officially kicked off his 2020 reelection campaign during an Orlando rally Tuesday night. more here

10 Comments on RNC chairwoman: Trump raised more than $25M in less than 24 hours for reelection

  1. Left Coast Dan, not unless Voter Fraud is dealt with. So far, all I hear is cities/states giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, states passing laws to give their electoral college votes to the winner of the popular vote, cities/states trying to approve illegal alien voting rights, trunks-full of D ballots, etc.

    I can only hope that things are happening behind the scenes to deal with it.

  2. Just remember the democrats need a reason to get motivated to vote and so far the clowns running aren’t doing it!
    Most americans like the direction of the economy despite what the news reports. When it comes time to vote and they’re behind that curtain are they going to risk losing all the extra money they’ve seen?

  3. It was 232 for Hillary and 306 electoral votes for Trump. 74 EC votes is alot to overcome especially considering her numbers include her strongest areas of CA and NY.

  4. The DNC & all the Progs running for the Presidency are really going to be PO’d now as President Trump raised more money in 24 hours than they could in a month, combined.

  5. On topic:

    Voter fraud is THE issue. I am concerned also. Good news that True the Vote won in court, though. Let’s see what happens.

    Off topic:

    If I raised 25 million in 24 hours, I’d probably give 1 mil to Fur and retire. I can be selfish. Let’s not talk about the rest of that week when Jesus starts talking to me..


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