Biden Embraces His Inner Segregationist – IOTW Report

Biden Embraces His Inner Segregationist

15 Comments on Biden Embraces His Inner Segregationist

  1. Times change, and good Catholics and good Democrats know when to adjust their ethics and religious beliefs to get elected in order to save the country from people who don’t have adjustable ethics and religious beliefs. Know what I mean, Margaret?

  2. NoIn the 30’s, Germany’s National SOCIALISTS used Maggie Sangers eugenics policies to justify their mass murder of Krauts in old folks homes, cripples and insane asylum inmates. It all went downhill from there, ending with the Wansee Conference’s Final Solution – the industrial-scale mass murder of Jews, Communists, Gypsies, homosexuals and Slavs.

    I’m not invoking Godwin’s Law by saying that anyone who is prochoice, proabortion and pro Planned Parenthood is a damned by God NAZI National SOCIALIST

  3. My most lefty friend is going to be asked a certain question when we are alone in the future.

    I do not expect an honest answer in that moment, but it will rest on his heart from that moment on.

    One day, about 15 years ago, he was virtue signaling on the dock of our sailing club going on about planned parenthood and said: “Men don’t have the right to an opinion about abortion”

    I, basically, said: ‘F**k you. That was MY child she killed (my ex). How dare you say I don’t have a right to say anything about it!’ He fell silent.

    We had an audience. The only way I confront a bi-polar idiot.

    He had a child with a back woman 20 years younger than himself. In public, he thinks he’s “All that” because of it. In private, he is overwhelmed with the responsibilities and what it takes to be a father and have a lasting relationship. He has become reclusive and no one sees him much in public. He’s 64 with his first and only child that’s now 2.

    He expounds at every opportunity about being a Dad. I support him in this and show it when we are together. Which has only been twice a year since the child was born. Super reclusive, comparatively speaking, to the previous 34 years I’ve known him before the child was born.


    What I intend to ask him is: How would you feel if she decided to kill this child instead of letting him live?

    I’m thinking it will come home to him how stupid he has been about abortion and saying men should shut up about it now that he has had over two years to bond with him.

    We’ll see.


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