No Fake News? MSNBC Identifies the 2 Biden Segregationist Senators as Republicans – IOTW Report

No Fake News? MSNBC Identifies the 2 Biden Segregationist Senators as Republicans


Hunt later referenced the error via Twitter, promising to correct the mistake on-air Thursday. 

“Earlier today, I inaccurately said Sens. James Eastland & Herman Talmadge were Republicans,” Hunt tweeted. “They were, of course, both Democrats. We regret the error. We’ll make sure to correct it on the show tomorrow, but wanted to correct the record here in the meantime.”

8 Comments on No Fake News? MSNBC Identifies the 2 Biden Segregationist Senators as Republicans

  1. I was watching coverage today and I never heard the word “democrat senator.”
    I assumed they were republicans because dumbass Biden framed it as reaching across the aisle.

    Of course the MSM wouldn’t DARE point out the fact that they were democrats.

  2. Whenever a politician is arrested for committing a crime, if he is a republican, that fact is noted in the headline; when it is a democrat, if it is mentioned at all, it is buried in the last paragraph. The press has now devolved to where they just lie about the party affiliation.

  3. Another big win for President Trump. The assholes can’t get anything right.
    That guy Steve Kornacki MSNBC is a complete idiot. Watch him on reporting the election results on election eve 2016, Hilarious.

  4. How many people will notice this and pay attention to it, and how many of them will care much about it?

    I’m losing faith in the average American voter and his ability to analyze the world around him. At least the ones that only follow the network news (which is probably most of them).

  5. The average dembecile has an IQ of around 70…All they hear is

    the first part…and it is written in stone …or at least permanent

    Social Media.

    When arguing with them..I always point out that the US Prison System

    is full of People with their particular style of genius.


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