Canadian Man Gets 26 Years for Conspiracy to Kill U.S. Soldiers – IOTW Report

Canadian Man Gets 26 Years for Conspiracy to Kill U.S. Soldiers


A Canadian citizen and Iraqi national was sentenced to 26 years in prison for conspiring to kill U.S. soldiers in Iraq. He played a role in the death of five American servicemen.

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on Tuesday night that Faruq Khalil Muhammad ‘Isa was sentenced by a U.S. District Court judge in Brooklyn, N.Y., to 26 years of imprisonment followed by a lifetime of supervised release after pleading guilty.

‘Isa was part of a multinational terrorist network that conducted multiple suicide bombings in Iraq, according to court documents. The terrorists attacked a U.S. base in Mosul in April 2009 with a truck filled with explosives.

The truck detonated alongside a U.S. convoy and five American soldiers were killed in the blast: Staff Sgt. Gary L. Woods, 24, of Lebanon Junction, Ky., Sgt. 1st Class Bryan E. Hall, 32, of Elk Grove, Calif., Sgt. Edward W. Forrest Jr., 25, of St. Louis, Mo., Cpl. Jason G. Pautsch, 20, of Davenport, Iowa, and Army Pfc. Bryce E. Gaultier, 22, from Cyprus, Calif. read more

16 Comments on Canadian Man Gets 26 Years for Conspiracy to Kill U.S. Soldiers

  1. When is Turdeau gonna cut this jihadi MoFo a big fat check like he did for that other Canadian ass lifting, moon god worshipping, follower of the pedophile prophet who killed US soldiers.

  2. @Gin Blossom; it was an American court that tried and sentenced him after he was arrested in Canada and extradited to the States for trial. Why your courts only sentenced him to 26 years and not life or the death penalty is a question you need to ask yourselves.

    He was born in Iraq and emigrated to Canada but I don’t know when or how old he was. He had radical family back in Iraq that he worked with on terror bombings and likely his family here (again tough to find anything with a surface look) at least knew of his leaning and either did nothing or helped in some way. I trust his family that are still here are being watched.

    @Benito; I suspect you have plenty of dual Iraqi/US citizens in your country that are up to no good just like Britain, France, Norway, Sweden etc and god knows how many have come across the Mexican border already.

    Not knowing the circumstances of his arrival it seems likely he was radicalized here in Canada by his family or others in the Islamic community or his immigration investigation was fucked up. In any event him and people like him should never be allowed back into the country if there is even a hint of radical behavior while outside.

    My condolences to the families of the soldiers he was responsible for killing.

  3. @scr_north
    I tease a bit, no meant to insult. Look at my past posts and I regularly defend Canada, just not your current leader. He’s your version of Obozo. Both country’s governments do plenty of screwing up!

  4. I’m an EMBARASED Canadian. I hope someone kills the piece of sh_t in jail, because when he gets out some Canadian A__hole politician will give him 30 million dollars for having his rights violated just like TURDO did with sac-o-sh_t Omar Khadr.

  5. Spam only diet!
    Made up of only six-ingredients: pork, water, salt, potato starch, sugar and sodium nitrate.
    For life,,
    Hunger strike odds after sentencing,


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