‘You Lie!’ Heckler Yells as Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) Notes Democrats’ Links to Slavery, Jim Crow Laws – IOTW Report

‘You Lie!’ Heckler Yells as Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) Notes Democrats’ Links to Slavery, Jim Crow Laws

(CNSNews.com) – During a congressional hearing Wednesday on the contentious issue of reparations for slavery, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) was accused of lying as he pointed out that the Democratic Party was the party historically associated with slavery and Jim Crow laws.

The hearing by the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties was the first in 12 years to examine the subject, and saw witnesses argue passionately for and against the idea that the descendants of slaves should receive reparations.

A bill sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) calls for a commission to be set up to examine the lasting impact of slavery, and make recommendations on appropriate remedies. The legislation has been introduced 17 times over the past three decades, but has never advanced.

Noting earlier comments during the hearing on the importance of Americans knowing their history, Gohmert submitted into the record a copy of an article entitled “Our History” on the Democratic National Committee website, and wondered why it included no references to:

–The party’s platform in support of slavery, six times, between 1840-1860.

–The fact seven Democratic presidents owned slaves.

–The party’s platforms “that either supported segregation outright or were silent on the subject,” 20 times between 1868 and 1948.

–The fact three-fourths of the opposition in the House to the 1964 Civil Rights Act came from Democrats, along with 80 percent of the opposition in the Senate.

–The role the Democratic Party played in creating Jim Crow laws. (“These were the post-Civil War laws passed enthusiastically by Democrats in that pesky 50-year part of the DNC’s missing years.”)

“And last but certainly not least,” Gohmert said, “there’s no reference to the fact that Birmingham, Alabama public safety commissioner Bull Connor, who infamously unleashed dogs and firehoses on civil rights protestors, was in fact both a member of the Democratic National Committee and the Ku Klux Klan.”

“So it is important that we know our history and we not punish people today for the sins of their predecessors in the Democratic Party, but—”

“You lie!” a voice in the chamber called out.

Gohmert chuckled. “I just stated all facts and – again, we have people who are denying history. That’s not helpful to our discussion.” more here

17 Comments on ‘You Lie!’ Heckler Yells as Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) Notes Democrats’ Links to Slavery, Jim Crow Laws

  1. I loved his sly smile and bare acknowledgment (except to refute) of their yelp out.
    And I do mean “yelp”.
    They cry like a devil touching holy water when the truth hits them.

  2. OK, how about a compromise. Given the facts that Louie has laid out, why not have only white DEMOCRATS pay reparations, and only Black REPUBLICANS receive reparations? Makes at least as much sense as anything else being proposed.

  3. Jethro
    JUNE 20, 2019 AT 7:41 PM
    @Tony R
    “I see what you did there.
    Suddenly, the Republican voter roles would swell tremendously, finally killing the democrap party.”

    …the problem with that theory is that they will NOT leave their politics at the door, so just like invading Marylanders are flipping VA and CA refugees are destroying AZ, the “Republican” party will TRULY become the Democrat rebranding that they always claimed happened…

    ” “The creatures outside looked from pig to man and from man to pig and from pig to man again:but already it was impossible to say which was which.””

    -George Orwell, “Animal Farm”

  4. You leave Louie alone! Actually, he can take care of himself, just like he did. He is a true smart ass and I adore him! He came to my attention many years ago when he photo bombed someone. We had it here on iOTW (pre r). I saw that and thought, “OH, what a cutie pie”!

  5. How about Joe Wilson and You Lie!!

    Turns our he WAS right.

    @ Dianny – do a post mortem (on Retort) on The Choomer in Chiefs’ state of the union address with YOU LIE! LOOK at Nancys sagging face and Biden shaking his head no but meaning dam he busted us.


    That may have been the same SotU in which Alito said ” NO that’s not true” to the Choomer.

  6. Of course, Louie Gohmert is correct. So is Larry Elders, Candace Owens, Burgess Owens, Coleman Hughes and others. Steve Cohen, the chicken eatin’ motherfucker from Tennessee is what he is, a condescending racist piece of shit. Calling Hughes “presumptuous”?
    What a piece of shit Cohen is.

  7. What history they can’t rewrite they destroy.
    Look at the tearing down of monuments and religious
    symbols along with the new propaganda Netflix movie
    that shows the 5 convicted and guilty as hell
    Central Park rapists as little angels.
    The USSR constantly did this as they liquidated
    their politicos whe “fell out of favor” with the
    famous “9 grams” in their brain.


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