Sanders: Medicare for All Plan Would ‘Absolutely’ Cover Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Sanders: Medicare for All Plan Would ‘Absolutely’ Cover Illegal Immigrants


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said Friday his vision of Medicare for All would “absolutely” cover the illegal immigrants living in the United States.

Speaking at a presidential candidate forum in Miami, Sanders touted his plan for a universal health care system he claims would provide coverage for every “man, woman, and child” while saving the “average American substantial sums of money.”

“The insurance companies and their drug companies are starting to spend tens and tens of millions of dollars to fight against Medicare for All,” Sanders said. “And we will organize the American people around the concept that all people in this country have the right to health care, and at the end of the day, we are going to win that struggle.”

“Senator, would you include the 11 million undocumented immigrants in that?” a moderator asked.

“Absolutely,” Sanders said. “Absolutely. When I talk about health care being a human right, last time I heard that undocumented people are human beings as well.”

Sanders has admitted that his platform will require hiking taxes, but he claims that most people would see savings overall by not having to pay health insurance premiums. One study estimates his plan would cost the U.S. $32.6 trillion over the next 10 years. Several other leading 2020 Democrats have embraced versions of Medicare for All. read more

14 Comments on Sanders: Medicare for All Plan Would ‘Absolutely’ Cover Illegal Immigrants

  1. And soon all the good liberals will be saying “Good Lord, why the hell have my taxes gone up 200-300%? When I voted for Bernie they said they were only going to tax the rich. Well I am not rich! Why am I being taxed?”

  2. I’m now hearing the lowball number of 11 million illegals in your country. at one point at was 15 to 20 with a high of 30. Has without an agenda pushed to have done a real, thorough estimate of the number? If it is 15 Million then your unemployment issue is gone once 75% are deported and the only ones crying in their Dom Perignon are the Koch brothers, the farmers who will have to pay higher wages and anyone else who illegally hired these people while selling out their fellow Americans for bigger profits.
    Sure it would mean a few cents higher on a lot of items but that’s a small price to pay for an America with decent paying jobs for all.

  3. The all inclusive Sanders plan can be boiled down to a single concept: Take it away form those who worked for it and give it to those who did not.

    That needs to be (politely) pointed out to anyone supporting Sanders (or any other Leftist).

    Do it politely and maybe you can get them to think about it instead of just emote against it. They do have the capacity to think, they just haven’t learned how to use it.

  4. Or… How to rip the guts out of the economy and destroy America!
    That’s what the real goal is!
    They don’t care about the illegals so long as they just get their vote and they REALLY don’t give a shit about the hard-working, tax-paying Americans these commie whores intend to trick-roll for their money!!
    By the way, how can there be such a thing as an illegal immigrant if they all get benefits???

  5. Oh yeah, having the government program pay for everyone who just happens to be in the country is going to be cheaper than insurance that pays for a specific group of individuals. Uh-huh. And I suppose that a massive revamping of malpractice procedures will be part of it. In other words, it won’t be apples and oranges. This also doesn’t mention that in many areas the reason health insurance is so expensive is because that insurance is having to subsidize the illegals who go to the emergency room with a hang nail.

    But of course Bernie, being so important, and his fellow travelers will have their own top of the line system. We need a Constitutional Amendment that says any law that is passed for the common folk also applies to those in Congress. That will stop this crap real fast.


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