Robot dishwashers don’t need a living wage – IOTW Report

Robot dishwashers don’t need a living wage

Dishcraft Automates Commercial Dishrooms from Dishcraft Robotics on Vimeo.

They don’t need health insurance, won’t sue you for work accidents, don’t take breaks, no maternity leave, won’t complain, or picket as they try to shut you down for not paying them a living wage.

ht/ js

13 Comments on Robot dishwashers don’t need a living wage

  1. So what do we do with the millions and millions of low dollar worker illegals we’ve been importing for several decades now?

    After all, they’ve been brought here to “do the jobs Americans won’t do”, haven’t they?

  2. Looks like it only does plates of a certain size. What about bowls, cups, flatware, glasses?

    I know of a soon to be unemployed former bartender. I understand bartenders know how to wash glasses. This particular one might need a little retraining, because she doesn’t seem to know much. But if anyone can organize dish robots, my money is on her.

  3. I guess the patron has to dump all of the solid stuff such as bones off of the plate. I guess the bus boy person can do that in a higher class place.

    Somebody is also going to have to keep the screens clean and the soap dispenser filled.

  4. …you don’t have to pay robots, but you DO have to pay guys to work ON robots.

    And that ain’t cheap. I work on robots, and it pays very well.

    I USED to wash dishes, by hand, as my first job at 14.

    But I didn’t do that for my entire LIFE.

    …which brings us back to the POINT of a low-paying, entry-level, first job, which is that you don’t STAY there…


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