One of the dumbest members of congress in the history of the country blames an oil refinery explosion on climate change – IOTW Report

One of the dumbest members of congress in the history of the country blames an oil refinery explosion on climate change

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24 Comments on One of the dumbest members of congress in the history of the country blames an oil refinery explosion on climate change

  1. We often talk, of the brilliance of Our Founding Fathers….But

    whoever came up with the Jackass as the symbol for the dnc was


  2. Arson campaign against US high-dollar infrastructure.
    Muslim (Iranian?)sleeper cell given a first assignment.
    Easily executed, expensive to defend against.

  3. It’s a good thing we still have 12 years left to sort it all out.

    Primary goals:

    1) reduce CO2 levels that results in mass famine all over the globe
    2) stop making babies, they are all going to die from starvation anyhow
    3) cram everyone into the midwest and abandon the coasts because they are going to flood
    4) stop using plastic and cut down more trees
    5) start driving coal burning cars with toxic lithium
    6) use solar panels with hydrochloric acid, copper, trichlorosilane gas and silicon waste that seeps into ground water and spreads all kinds of cancers and defects
    7) use wind turbines that generate more pollution in creation than what they negate in a lifetime
    8) airplanes bad

    Looks like we have a bright future ahead of us in 12 years. The clock starts…. sometime.

  4. I saw a 370lb (estimate) woman with a cigarette in her hand on the news say “this plant killing us with dirty air I know there be people with cancer here”.

    @ Bobcat, It was Tom Jefferson (1800 election) he called John Adams “His Rotundry” and John Adams said he acts like a “jackass in a hail storm” and Tom used the jackass as a symbol in his campaign. Tom won. They quit speaking to each other for years, until they were near death and wrote each other, they died within hours of each other on the 4th of July 1826. Strange coincidence!

  5. Is it possible that she doesn’t realize how ignorant she is? That would explain a lot.
    I almost feel sorry for her, she’s so far in over her head it’s frightening.

  6. ‘until they were near death and wrote each other, they died within hours of each other on the 4th of July 1826. Strange coincidence?’
    If history really repeated itself, Lindsey would be with Johnny boy.
    Feel much better knowing the same childish portending pissing match from way back then, continues on,,, and is still believed in.

  7. She’s got a shit cannon inside her mouth, and naturally, shit comes out of it. Some of it sticks, but most of is slides into the nearest toilet.

    What else do you expect from Cortez?

  8. One more thing about Adams and Jefferson dying on the same day, July 4th, 1826, that is the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I don’t care for Michael Medved at all, except for his history shows. Those make for good listening on road trips. He did a good job on this story, worth listening to.


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