John Lennon’s Son Says the Left Has Become Pathetic – IOTW Report

John Lennon’s Son Says the Left Has Become Pathetic

Red State-

The son of the famed Beatles member John Lennon has publicly made it clear that political correctness has destroyed the left he once knew and respected.

Sean Ono-Lennon took to Twitter on Friday and tweeted out a message that stirred controversy within the left.

“When I was young the most interesting people were left-wing intellectuals. Believe it or not,” tweeted Lennon.

One person identifying themselves as a leftist intellectual attempted to argue that they still are the most interesting people he could meet, but Lennon flatly shot that idea down and dropped a major bomb.

“No we’ve become the church lady as person below says. It’s embarrassing. We’re offended by comedy and science. It’s pathetic,” tweeted Lennon.

He’s not wrong. The left has become so anti-science that what they now believe can be considered something along the lines of fantasy land. They believe in a limitless number of genders despite there being only two and will punish anyone who disagrees with them. Their stances on climate change rely on inaccurate sensationalism despite many scientists coming out and saying the doom isn’t upon us.

Their hot takes on abortion are even in direct defiance of science.


ht/ lurker

23 Comments on John Lennon’s Son Says the Left Has Become Pathetic

  1. You’re a smart guy, Sean, just like your papa, the actual brainpower behind the Beatles. He dabbled in leftism, but he became pretty conservative towards the end.
    Of course, we’ll never understand the Yoko thing.

  2. now, more than ever …

    You say you want a revolution
    Well, you know, we all want to change the world
    You tell me that it’s evolution
    Well, you know, we all want to change the world
    But when you talk about destruction
    Don’t you know that you can count me out
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right?
    All right, all right

    You say you got a real solution
    Well, you know, we’d all love to see the plan
    You ask me for a contribution
    Well, you know, we’re all doing what we can
    But if you want money for people with minds that hate
    All I can tell is brother you have to wait
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right?
    All right, all right

    You say you’ll change the constitution
    Well, you know, we all want to change your head
    You tell me it’s the institution
    Well, you know, you better free you mind instead

    But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
    You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right?
    All right, all right
    All right, all right, all right
    All right, all right, all right
    All right, whoa, all right!

    & it’s good to see that young Mr. Lennon is capable of rational thought

  3. I “Imagine” that I will have to side with Rick on this one. The ship hit the iceberg, it never righted itself. (Speaking of John Lennon, not Sean of course)
    Oh and I attended Live Aid at Giants Stadium in 1985 and Yoko was the comedy act.
    I’m Glad the kid made it through all that.

  4. Musicians, artists, actors, and other asshats maybe should take a page from Rory Gallagher.

    Interviewer: You are from Cork, what say you on current affairs of Ireland?

    Gallagher: Yes, I was born there. I’m a musician, let’s talk about this dobro.

    I paraphrase, but he always shut down political BS, and religion.

    He knew not to alienate anybody. A musician should talk about instruments, music, amplifiers, and guitar strings.

  5. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. His last album was quite contrite and about loving his young son Sean. It was in many ways apologetic. We will never know as the album was published posthumously.

    I could be wrong. I guess we’ll find out once we meet our maker. Like I said, I think he was turning things around.

  6. Double Fantasy was a come back from misery GREAT album by Lennon. Not posthumous he was shot not too long after this.

    George was better, just sayin’

    I could give a dam what their offspring say.

    There are jerks and then there are musicians.


    @PHenry – you are correct here on this one.

  7. You are right @ghost. Double Fantasy was not intended to be posthumous but it kind of turned out that way.

    My favorite line from that album is “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

    I was working as a waiter at Clyde’s at Tysons when that assassination went down. That was the full stop on the Sixties.

  8. Glad to hear some common sense! Sean is right.

    As for John, I’ve read that he was giving time to his family and being a real Dad to Sean. Damn shame what happened. I’d love to have seen what more music he could have created. 63-67 was incredible. Most post Beatles JL I find unlistenable with a couple exceptions.

    Far from perfect human being – like anyone else. Seems to me he was trying to do better.

  9. @ PHenry – that is a line for life. IOW cannot live by a script. Plans and goals are great but the car breaks down or someone gets sick.

    I’m Only Sleeping, some of the best back up harminonies and reverse guitar:

    Oh and Lennon at his most vitriolic, back to Rubber Soul, Run For Your Life, hardly MeToo:

    I understand the distaste for Lennon but I don’t care about the dam politics anymore, I just enjoy great music.

  10. As I understood it, Yoko Ono treated his son like shit and cut him out of everything – holding herself up and co-opting his father’s image for her leftwing beliefs ever since his death.

  11. I’m glad there’s some hope for this man after Imagine and all. I am no longer a huge Beatles fan like I once was, as I just got tired of their songs sorry to say. I do like Lennon better than Maca. The world sure changed after they appeared on TV one Sunday night long ago, everyone growing their hair long, clothes, sexual and drugs much of it not positive.

  12. John Lennon was a nasty son-of-a-bitch for a lot of his life. He made fun of the mentally ill & handicapped from an early age. he treated his first wife like shit & ignored his first son for years. after seeing a few friends die, including Harry Chapin (sp), he kicked his herion habit & raised his second son w/ his lover, May Pang. He seemed to be turning his life around when he was killed. as PHenry so well stated, that’s when the 60’s died for me also.

    P.S. we can argue all night long about Yoko breaking up the Beatles, but it was more McCartney & the Eastman klan than anything else

    “Well, I ain’t no saint
    And you sure as hell ain’t no savior
    Every other Christmas
    I would practice good behavior
    That was then, this is now
    Don’t ask me to be Mister Clean
    ‘Cause baby, I don’t know how”

    ‘Wasted Words’ ~ Gregg Allman (another mean, nasty sob for most of his life too)


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