Check His Legal Briefs – IOTW Report

Check His Legal Briefs

Defendant throws feces at Miami judge

A defendant charged with burglary decided to play dirty during his criminal trial in a Miami-Dade courtroom on Friday.

Dorleans Philidor, 33, was reportedly sitting in a wheelchair next to Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Lisa Walsh, when court officials say he tried to throw his feces at her.

The excrement missed, but the Miami Herald reported Philidor yelling, “It’s protein! It’s good for you!”

During the incident, the bailiff yelled for Walsh to run as police and corrections officers ran into the courtroom.

Witnesses reportedly saw Philidor eat some of the bowel movement as well.

“It was intense. The corrections officers and police officers were swarming. Like 60 of them,” witness Allen Rios told the Miami Herald. “They told everyone to leave and you couldn’t go back in. It was a hazardous area.”

ht/ cynic

27 Comments on Check His Legal Briefs

  1. Damn…I’m tempted to do a Battle of New Dorleans Parody Song…

    In Miamuh Dade We threw a little sh*t

    threw pretty hard but couldn’t get a hit

    Well We threw Our Poo but the Courtroom kept a hummin

    twice as many Deputies as there was a while ago

    We threw once more but it go a little runny

    and ran down the leg of a fool named Dorleans

  2. It takes an extraordinarily high level of environmental dedication to engage in closed cycle food recycling. The left-collectivists ought to learn from this man, and emulate him. In other words, they should eat shit.

  3. I thought the human race had bottomed out, numerous times.

    However, I’m sure if we ask; ‘how low can you go?’, there will be some degenerate that will step forward.

  4. @jellybean:

    I thought the human race had bottomed out, numerous times.

    However, I’m sure if we ask; ‘how low can you go?’, there will be some degenerate that will step forward.

    And he will step forward in FLORIDA!

  5. The enmity and underlying urge to kill is savage black behavior instilled in many blacks from their time of birth. Whether from Africa years ago, or from Africa even today, is the inner savagery always there waiting for a time to attack? Considering the constant occurring of black criminal attacks, that appears to be the reality.

    A European family in East Africa finds itself caught up in an uprising by local black Africans against their white colonial masters. Based on the Mau-Mau rebellion in Kenya in the early 1950s.
    Stars: Dirk Bogarde, Virginia McKenna, Basil Sydney |

  6. There comes a time when it should be legal to just shoot a person.

    When they fling their own excrement is one of those times. Dont even give them the chance to start mackin on it. If they mack on it they can spit it in your eye. Just put the animal down.

  7. Must be a fag.

    In my youth (before I knew that fags existed) I knew a guy named Gordon, and he, uhh … well … I don’t think I want to share … at any rate, it isn’t a “racial” thing – not if Gordon was indicative.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. True story. So we took our son when he was 4 to the San Francisco zoo. We strolled by the chimp island, and as the crowd mocked the chimps, one crapped in his hand and threw it at the crowd. I ducked and it hit the guy behind me. I think it’s in the knee-grows genes to act like their ancestors.


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