Now that he’s running against actual progressives, Biden will be judged for what he is- a shameless liar/revisionist/blowhard – IOTW Report

Now that he’s running against actual progressives, Biden will be judged for what he is- a shameless liar/revisionist/blowhard


There’s no record of Biden ever having marched with civil rights leaders nor of having defended Black Panthers as they were “burning down” Wilmington in 1968 (the event he seems to be referencing), much less having to defend his association with the radical group during his first senatorial campaign. Nor do we know that Biden was a particularly zealous advocate of “public housing,” although it was a plank of the Democratic Party’s platform in Delaware at the time.

Joe’s self-aggrandizement, false modesty, and exaggerations were often deployed in the third person, as if his adulation was aimed at some mysterious hero. Reading through the Senate transcripts of Biden during the 1970s and 1980s is both immensely entertaining and an important reminder that the upper chamber has always been something of a circus. It’s also useful in once again confirming that Biden is perpetually and shamelessly revising his own biography—which is allegedly the central case for this presidency.

For example, Biden didn’t just eulogize Strom Thurmond, the one-time Dixiecrat candidate and later Republican. “Biden had developed a genuine fondness for Thurmond,” recalls Nadine Cohodas in “Strom Thurmond & the Politics of Southern Change.”

Should Biden be judged harshly because he worked with, and sometimes befriended and was mentored, by politicians that are by today’s standards objectionable? It’s a fair question to ask about a (comparatively) moderate Democrat whose experience is probably one of his most appealing characteristics. At this point, at least, his history has not seemed to hurt his African-American support, even if the reparation crowdwants him out.

Whatever the case, it’s difficult to feel much sympathy for his plight. In 2012, it was Biden who would tell a crowd of African Americans that the presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney—who, as far as we know, had shown not any deference to segregationists—was going to “put you all back in chains.” It was an ugly smear.

We can assume that Biden understood the power of this kind of slur, since he had once been compared to the segregationist George Wallace during a Senate hearing. “We will have to judge five years from now whether or not Joe Biden was, as one of the witnesses said, a George Wallace or similar to George Wallace or Joe Biden is a racist,” Joe Biden said of Joe Biden in 1981. “I have stand on that. I will be judged later.”

Well, Biden was a member of the right party for the past 45 years. Journalists had little interest in this chapter of Biden’s past when he was running for the Senate against Republicans, or when he was the vice presidential nominee against the media-approved presidential candidate. Now, though, when facing favored progressive candidates, maybe that judgement he was talking about in 1981 will finally be rendered.

5 Comments on Now that he’s running against actual progressives, Biden will be judged for what he is- a shameless liar/revisionist/blowhard

  1. Don’t hold your breath, Demonrats are nothing if not consistently hypocritical. For all their blabber and BS drivel, an old white liar is their front runner.

    These commies are such a joke that that don’t understand they have become the joke. Reagan tried but it is Trumpus Maximus who has finally exposed the world to the truth.

    The scales are falling off black, gay, and Hispanic eyes at long last, and the desperate Demonrats are beginning to panic.

    It’s just so glorious that Pedo Joe is their favorite.

  2. What will really be entertaining is the attempt they make at gaslighting everyone a year from now when the eventual nominee has to gloss over everything his opponents dug up and go after Trump.
    Yep, I said his. Those leftists, multi-gender feminist leftists, including the women, still vote for white guys.

  3. Actual “Progressives?”

    As in “Stalinists?”
    As in “Hitlerites?”
    As in “Leninists?”
    As in “Trotskyites?”
    As in “Wilsonian Socialists?”
    As in “Maoists?”
    As in “Che-ists?”
    As in “Castro-ites?”
    As in “Fascists?”

    Why do we euphemise? To disguise intent?

    Joey’s a greedy opportunistic money-grubbing lying hypocrite – but he’s no worse than the other greedy opportunistic money-grubbing lying hypocrites running against him in the Demonrat nominating process.
    They’re no more doctrinaire radical communists than any of the other doctrinaire radical communists who lust for power (and wealth – that’s the dirty secret of socialism).

    Poor old Slow Joe is just “One Out of Many.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. My favorite elephant joke, What did the elephant say to the naked man? That’s cute but how do you breathe thru it. My oldest daughter hate that joke especially when I told her I that I want it engraved on my headstone after I’m dead just so someone walking thru the cemetery would get a good laugh.


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