‘Nobody Told Me it Was Illegal!’ – Claim of Migrant Accused of Child Rape – IOTW Report

‘Nobody Told Me it Was Illegal!’ – Claim of Migrant Accused of Child Rape

Breitbart Europe:

A migrant suspected of raping and sexually abusing a much younger girl claims that he did not know it was illegal in Sweden because no-one had told him.

The suspected sexual abuse took place in April of this year at a family home with the young girl, whose exact age has not been revealed. It is alleged she was forced to have sex with the supposedly 17-year-old migrant, newspaper Lokaltidningen reports.

When questioned, the migrant reportedly admitted that he had sex with the young girl but said that it had not been a crime and was just something that “happened between two children.”

In an Administrative court, it was argued that while the migrant did admit to the crime he was not aware of the laws regarding sexual relations and that no-one in Sweden had taught him what the laws and expected norms were.

The representative argued that the court should not proceed with a prosecution, claiming that the young man had been doing well in school and that his school progress would be harmed if he were to be prosecuted. more

15 Comments on ‘Nobody Told Me it Was Illegal!’ – Claim of Migrant Accused of Child Rape

  1. I will pay for a slow boat deportation passage of this “migrant” around Africa to somalia..or………..if he doesn’t “fall” overboard on the way……

  2. So you take someone from a marginally civilized culture where this type of behavior is perfectly legal and an accepted practice, then put him into a civilized Western culture, where it is both abhorrent and illegal, without extensively retraining him to live by Western cultural standards …….. what do you expect?

  3. “… he was not aware of the laws regarding sexual relations and that no-one in Sweden had taught him what the laws and expected norms were.”

    So it’s the government’s fault.

  4. “ignorance of the law is no excuse son”….. deport the asshole or string him up..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. Somebody did something to someone.

    Exactly what is being taught in his school that would harm progress if he were prosecuted?

    Obviously not morals, laws, or anything important. Therefore, no progress would be interrupted. But it’s progressive progress and it would be more of a crime than rape rape to stop that kind of progress.

  6. “SKÅNE. A 17-year-old single boy is suspected of having raped his daughter in the family home where he lived. In interrogation he says that the event had been legal in his home country and that no one told that it was a crime in Sweden.”

    Article made no sense. Might be the interpretation. He raped his own daughter????

    “The investigation has also revealed suspicions that the 17-year-old is in fact over 20, and then the penalty will be longer.”

  7. Ignorance of the law is no excuse……unless you are a protected immigrant.

    Then you can pick up a gun and fire a round killing a woman, rape kids, whatever you need to do.

  8. Who thinks that if this perv knew the law, he’d do antyhing different?

    Thought so.

    Legacy of the left in Sweden: pervision, rape, hate, mogrelization.

  9. Euthanize this piece of shit. Humans are born with the instinct to protect the most innocent. Animals are born to with the instinct prey on the most vulnerable.


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