SEAL who killed bin Laden mocks 2020 Democrat for caring about ‘immigrant families’ instead of ‘homeless veterans’ – IOTW Report

SEAL who killed bin Laden mocks 2020 Democrat for caring about ‘immigrant families’ instead of ‘homeless veterans’

wash exam-

The former Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden in 2011 criticized Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., for a Saturday tweet that expressed support for immigrant families separated at the border.

Swalwell tweeted Saturday, “To Immigrant families: We see you, we are here for you and we will not stop fighting for you. Families belong together. Period.” Former SEAL Robert J. O’Neill responded by correcting Swalwell, “You spelled ‘Homeless Veterans’ wrong.”


O’Neill tweeted one of my favorite tweets of all-time.

10 Comments on SEAL who killed bin Laden mocks 2020 Democrat for caring about ‘immigrant families’ instead of ‘homeless veterans’

  1. Thank goodness Anonymous has the inside scoop on the inner workings of the SEALS. Where would we be without informed sneaks and weasels like that ferreting (see what I did there) out the REAL truth.

  2. Anonymous is erroneous, O’Neill is admired by Seals I know, maybe Anon. pals with people of stolen valor, or knows all three of the suspected Seals who are Democrats, you know, the ones who kill for fun rather than patriotism. Anon may be having an AA moment, but enough, O’Neill is a patriot, obviously capable of being brave, physically well above average and disparaging him is similar to the wave of Founding Father haters, Confederate General bed drop it..


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