One Wonders What the Idealistic Murder Victims Would Be Saying Now – IOTW Report

One Wonders What the Idealistic Murder Victims Would Be Saying Now

Remember the naive dope, and his girlfriend, who set out to prove that “evil Islam” was a right-wing construct, only to be murdered by Muslims while biking through Tajikstan?

Well, it turns out their murderer is evil incarnate.

Daily Wire

We had pledged to commit jihad. When we were in Syria and Iraq, we received orders to commit a terrorist attack in Belgium. We were supposed to attack the European Union Parliament, but since our documents were late, an order came that we must go to Tajikstan to commit a terrorist attack. I formed my own group here and committed the attack. When Muslims are being killed everywhere, we must try to kill non-believers wherever we find them. When they stop killing Muslims, we will stop too.

Callimachi asked, “I want to understand at what point you chose these people.”

Abdusamadov answered, “We saw them in the territory of Danghara and attacked them.” Asked if he interacted with the tourists at the gas station they stopped at just prior to the attack, Abdusamadov replied, “Yes. I talked to them. I asked them where they were from. I asked them what nationalities they were and they told me they were Americans … They said they were Americans and laughed.” He concluded, “Americans had to be killed.”

Callimachi said. “When I look at you now, I see another human being. When you look at me, what do you see?“

Abdusamadov replied, “I see a Christian person. A person who isn’t a Muslim.”


There you have it. Murder is justified because you’re not Muslim.

Sounds an awful lot like when the left says violence towards the right is justified, no?

20 Comments on One Wonders What the Idealistic Murder Victims Would Be Saying Now

  1. Please…It’s a coincidence that these folks were murdered…Just more

    Right Wing Conspiracies….And to prove You all wrong???

    I’m going to send wave after wave of Liberals on Bicycles to every

    peaceful muslim country in the world…A Year from now You’ll all

    be apologizing to Me….

  2. Went to the NYT article. First comment
    F.America2h ago
    He killed them because he couldn’t understand why Americans were interfering in countries outside North America.

    Down a ways:

    Northern British Columbia4h ago
    Although it is a cliché; to understand one’s enemy is to defeat them. Sadly, that enemy is all to often ourselves. Finding humanity in the story is crucial. Thank-you for sharing.


    Jules Lee
    My understanding is the intentional homicide rate in the USA is significantly higher in the USA then where these cyclists were murdered.

    Why are we so fearful of places and people we don’t even know?


    Don’t wish to be bored by early history? Just read the last three chapters, although early history gives context.

    There will be no end! Just as expecting to clear the cock roaches form a city block can be done by fumigating one apartment in one ghetto building will do it.

    They have the “stomach” to do what they believe in while our societal norms and beliefs prevent us from dealing with it in the necessary way to exterminate it.

  4. Criminee!! Retarded Americans won’t even believe the explicit testimony from the murderer, himself?? Un-freeeeekin’ believable. I don’t even venture into Democrat-controlled cities anymore. And I live in one!

  5. I just listened to Eric Mextaxas show (I don’t know when it first aired) w/ Fr. Joesph Fessio, who runs Ignatious Press. He was talking about either a book he wrote or that someone else recently wrote about extremist muslims and where they are — which phase — with jihad in America. Interestingly, he was emphatic about ALL Somali’s being here for one thing — to kill Americans. I’m leaving a lot out, so am recommending a listen:

  6. liberal mindset: we can laugh and joke with our enemies….embrace them, care for them and they will no longer be our enemy.
    dwight schrute: FALSE… they will kill you… then they will laugh and joke

  7. Not believing evil exists makes Satan hungry and disbelievers his prey.

    “Will you walk into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.”
    First line of the fable, The Spider and The Fly” – Mary Howitt (1799-1888).
    Communist doctrine has replaced fables (tales of wisdom) in public schools. More Millenials are destine to die by stupid. They don’t know any better.

  8. “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You”

    “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

    “Hey your in my seat,” ‘So right you are Mr Lincoln,,,,’

  9. I’m betting before they were murdered somewhere the deceased also proudly displayed one or more of those”coexist” stickers.

    Too late, during the seconds just before they died, they realized one of the religions represented on the sticker refuses to coexist with any of the others, that do pretty much coexist in peace with each other. Heck, Sunni and Shia Muslims don’t even coexist with each other.


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