We Must Demand Action Out of the Complacent GOP Who are Doing Nothing About the Corrupt Power of Big Tech – IOTW Report

We Must Demand Action Out of the Complacent GOP Who are Doing Nothing About the Corrupt Power of Big Tech

This is the biggest issue of our time and nothing is being done. Google plans on stealing the 2020 election by controlling the flow of information and suppressing the right.

It’s being done right in front of our eyes and our representatives are acting like the frog in the pot being slowly boiled.

Just how much do they hate Trump?

19 Comments on We Must Demand Action Out of the Complacent GOP Who are Doing Nothing About the Corrupt Power of Big Tech

  1. We have to petition Trump to act directly either by executive fiat (a page out of Obama’s book) or through his DOJ. Too many Repubs, like in my state, are duplicitous never Trumpers who do not really support Trump and cannot wait for Trump to be out so they can return to rolling on their backs holding their legs in the air and exposing their gaping manginas to the Dems (so they can be f*cked by them continuously). There is no other way…..

  2. Re-electing Trump alone is bad enough for them. But if Trump wins AND the House turns RED, the Cabal knows the Swamp pump will be turned-up full blast. They have to beat Trump and either keep the House, or lose it by such a narrow margin that a Democrat president can veto any Swamp-draining legislation.

    Oh, and the current GOP is incapable of fighting anything or anyone.

  3. Agrees Lazlo completely!
    Skarew the Republicans
    I’m a Trumpican
    I hope a new party rises out of this and destroys the childish 2 party centuries old pissing match BS!

  4. They hate US(a) as much as they hate the POTUS, just for who we are. IF your children think this way? They hate them too.

    Get it? GOT it?


  5. Who is after Trump is the question we should be asking. Eight years of Trump (G-d willing) and the pendulum generally swings to the other side. What then? Better be planning that now.

  6. Forget the GOP: it’s a corrupt org, dead to the Trump voter.

    Give your support to individuals, not the backstabbing party of boehner, mccain, ryan, romney, mcconnell and the rest of the ratsm

  7. A suggestion: How about one of the talented writers on this site come up with a letter addressing our concerns that we can send to our representatives. I get that a lot of them are scum, but they want to be re-elected. If we can distribute this to all of our contacts and ask them to send it to their reps. We need to make some noise. Send it to the President also.

  8. It literally takes 30 seconds to email your Senator or Rep.
    Flood their emails and voicemails until they do something.
    Write letters to the editors. Even to the small free papers in your area. That will at least let people know that Google is really the Russia of American elections. Maybe more people will bug the heck out of their politicians until something is done.

  9. ANON

    For 50 years I have been, “Give your support to individuals, not the backstabbing party of boehner, mccain, ryan, romney, mcconnell and the rest of the ratsm”.
    the GOP lies about what it does and how it governs! Need look no farther than the progressive appointing/promoting: Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Lois L, bob Mueller ….

    I did not vote for this leftist in ’04 I VOTED AGAINST JFK!


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