San Francisco Becomes First Major US City to Ban E-Cigarettes – IOTW Report

San Francisco Becomes First Major US City to Ban E-Cigarettes

The ordinance says “no person shall sell or distribute an electronic cigarette to a person in San Francisco” unless that product has undergone premarket review by the US Food and Drug Administration. To date, none have. MORE

When are they going to pick up the E-brooms to sweep up all the turds on the sidewalks?

19 Comments on San Francisco Becomes First Major US City to Ban E-Cigarettes

  1. What?? Are they worried about the HEALTH of their citizens? If so, why are they letting them shoot up out in the open? Aren’t hard core drugs really really bad for you?

    Are these people insane?

    Don’t bother … I know the answers to all of these.

  2. E-cigs keep the habit going.

    Haven’t seen one person get off nicotine yet because of using them.

    The look of hitting a hash pipe is also not a good trade-off in my book.

    “It’s only water vapor!” – doesn’t counter hitting a pipe in public. Might as well be hashish for all the public knows.

    You’re an addict.

    Face it.

    Not a small problem – Your “water vapor” gives me no comfort when you bring it to my space and force it on me. I don’t want to breath it at ALL! Go away and stay away from entrances!

  3. “no person shall sell or distribute an electronic cigarette to a person in San Francisco”.

    San Fran to Nancy
    San Fran to Nancy
    “What if We do NOT identify as People? Over.”

    Buy in safety as a self-identified Amoeba or Paramecium.

  4. …no E-cigs, but anal sex with random strangers in the shit filled streets between the homeless camps and open-air shooting galleries as illegal aliens stroll by is perfectly safe…

  5. Did they also ban homeless, shitting and pissing on streets, needles, etc.? You know, more important things for your health than ecigs! I guess not. What if the homeless are addicted to ecigs?

  6. Too much competition against the people making money off of the Free Needles lobby?

    The police need something to do to justify their pay checks? I mean they are not cracking down on naked people, junkies, street poppers. It’s just crazyville.

  7. While the Left pats themselves on the back, all their silly Hope and Change, Fundamental Transformation, wild, reckless spending, filthy, diseased tent cities, Illegal Aliens and criminals running wild, Jihad-coddling, Traitor-caressing, “Pride” parading, Trump-blaming, Climate liars, Healthcare scams, and empty promises from a slick, feces-friendly governor and a wild-eyed, demented crazy old bat of a Speaker, continue to deteriorate California! So Party Hearty you silly Assholes and pass around those blunts, but dooooon’t you dare fire up that E-Cig!

  8. About 15 years ago Seattle passed an ordinance against smoking near buildings. It basically meant that people had to (and did) smoke in the middle of the street outside clubs. When that ordinance passed, the police department said “If you think we are going to spend our time in forcing that thing you are sorely mistaken.”

  9. Hmm. They can smoke each other’s bones right smack dab in the middle of Main street and no one cares. However, they damn well better not get caught using a plastic straw in the privacy of their own homes.


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