Debate of the Losers – IOTW Report

Debate of the Losers

Accurate and hilarious summary of the sorry spectacle that is the best of the Democrat party candidates … until tonight when the second half get their turn.

Frontpage Mag – On a sweltering night in Miami’s Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, a 90-year-old building slightly older than Joe Biden, 9 candidates with no shot at anything and the tenth, the first fake Native American candidate, gathered to humiliate and be humiliated on national television.

On a set designed to look like a cardboard cutout White House, 10 cardboard cutouts of candidates, hoping to sit in the real White House, frantically searched for their 15 seconds of fame, while ignoring moderator questions and going over time.

All the millionaire candidates agreed that the economy wasn’t working for ordinary Americans like the ones they see on TV.

The speeches about the misery suffered by ordinary Americans in a booming economy at the hands of giant evil corporations fell flat to a base in which a third of Democrat primary voters earn over $100,000.

“Who is this economy working for?” Elizabeth Warren asked, doing a hand hatchet chop in a tribute to her imaginary Native American heritage while claiming that it was just working for those at the top.

Like her.

Not only was Warren wealthier than most of the other candidates on stage, but she was called on three times as often.

As part of their commitment to redistribution, the socialist candidates redistributed each other’s time. But, despite their supposed commitment to redistribution, they resisted speaking time socialism.

This was supposed to be a debate and the moderators did try to ask occasionally challenging questions, while the candidates courageously evaded and avoided them and instead delivered prepared speeches attacking Trump and insisting that the economy wasn’t working for most people who weren’t as rich as them.

Instead of going after Warren, the field of starving losers went after the weakest member of the herd who still had a few percentage points to his fake name. Bill de Blasio and Julian Castro jumped on Beto O’Rourke, like starving hyenas pouncing on a midget gazelle, in an orgy of blood and talking points.

Despite O’Rourke’s Kennedyesque buck teeth, he went down like a marshmallow.

Read the rest here.

16 Comments on Debate of the Losers

  1. Last night was the “Heap Big Wampum” show with Warren getting called upon twice as often as everyone else. Tonight’s version will be Bernie vs. Biden, aka the “Beavis & Butthead” show.

  2. Every Democrat candidate’s platform:
    “It isn’t easy for the average American. But we need to subsidize every single foreigner who crosses our borders. We need to give ‘free’ stuff to a select few, for which everyone will pay. Including free abortions even if you were a man who became a woman – or any of the other 83 86 genders.”

  3. Gave up on the Pravdagonian years ago. Every once in awhile Fred Meyers has someone in the entry trying to sell Oregonian subscriptions. Told the last lady there was no sense paying for leftist lies that Pravda and Havana Times give away for free. She said “WOW. You’re the first person who hasn’t used the f word. Thank you.”

  4. Who in the right mind would have watched this debacle, unless paid to do so?

    Every Democrat candidate is trying to “out Left” their rivals. I’m surprised they have not flown the red hammer and sickle flag of the USSR.

    They all promise “free sh!t” to losers and non-citizens, proving their lack of interest in real Americans.

  5. From Rush Limbaugh’s site regarding NBC’s inability to hire qualified personnel:
    TODD: (echoing) I think we have a… I heard that too. That’s okay. I think we had a little mic issue in the back.
    MADDOW: (echoing) Control room, we’re got contrary audio.
    TODD: We have the… I think we heard… Yeah, we have the audience audio. All right. So the question is simply this…
    MADDOW: Sorry.
    TODD: We’re… We’re… I apologize. Uh, I apologize. You guys didn’t get to hear this, the first part of the question.
    GUTHRIE: Someone’s got my binder!

    I wonder if Guthrie checked with Mitt Romney?

  6. 2020 Democrat Platform:

    – Free shit for everyone… except whitey. Fuck whitey. And if we fail to deliver free shit, it’s because Republicans and straight white males sabotaged our efforts. Fuck them.

    – Open borders for everyone, except white people and educated people. Fuck whitey and educated people.

    – Give China and Iran everything the want. Fuck the USA, especially all those white motherfuckers living there. Fuck whitey.

    – Did we say Fuck Whitey yet?


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