Fired Cartoonist Plays It Up For All It’s Worth – IOTW Report

Fired Cartoonist Plays It Up For All It’s Worth

Canadian Michael de Adder shared with his Twitter followers that he believes his recent offensive cartoon of President Trump lost him his job with New Brunswick News Inc. Adder went even farther with his appeal for sympathy by bringing his demented (literally) mother into it. “The hardest part in all of this, I have a mother with dementia in NB who has a hard time remembering her family at times. But she knows her son draws cartoons. Part of her daily routine is to open the @TimesTranscript and see her son’s cartoon. A cartoon that won’t be there anymore.”

His former employer tells a different story of why Adder was let go. Here

16 Comments on Fired Cartoonist Plays It Up For All It’s Worth

  1. Fuck him. Saw the cartoon. Bad taste.

    Trump is not responsible for the shitholes that people are fleeing from. Shithole governments are, and motherfucker Mexican governments that further allow the exploitation.

    Now the fuckin cartoonist can draw me a pic of Trudy getting plowed by his wife with a strap-on and maybe I’ll send him $10.

  2. “BNI was not even offered this cartoon by Mr. de Adder. The decision to bring back reader favourite Greg Perry was made long before this cartoon, and negotiations had been ongoing for weeks.”

    HOO BOY. Talk about staging a drama! Damned Leftists….

    (…he DOES draw well, though…)

  3. “But she knows her son draws cartoons”.

    But she knows her son IS a cartoon. Fixed it for ya, you’re welcome.

    Well glory. Now he’ll have all the time in the world to draw cartoons, special just for mom.

    Good thing he’s a cartoonist, he can’t spell for sh*t. Dimentia

  4. If You breakdown the Cartoon….You can tear it apart easily.

    1) Trump Plays Golf in South Florida

    2) Meaning those two People either swam all the way from Cancun, or

    that they’re probably Cubans

    3) 0webama ended the “Wet Foot/Dry Foot ” Policy , therefore He is

    responsible for the death of this Family.

    4) Or the Alluvial Fan of the Gulf of Mexico has sped up a lot due

    to Glohibular Warming.

  5. He is the Jussie Smollett of cartoonists.

    And a typical leftist: Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie and lie some more.

  6. Observation #1) if she has dementia she won’t notice if you rotate through a stack of old newspapers. Brutal but true, so stop pretending it’s about her because we all know its about you and The Butthurt.

    Observation #2) If your mum’s well-being truly was so vitally important, you should have not tried so very hard to show your ass to the point it got shot off thus endangering your ability to keep mummy happy.

    Obs #3) You’re upset your voice can’t be heard? Yes it can, make your own platform. No one owes you an audience.

    What a puss. Karma hears him using his mother for sympathy, and She is queuing up an awful retribution…

  7. He’s drawn lots of cartoons just as bad. Trump and Kavanaugh patting each other on the back as they walk away after raping Blind Justice and leaving her on a bed. Che Guevara pushing Fidel Castro in a wheelchair in the afterlife and congratulating on surviving American democracy.

    Comrade de Adder will now survive on collective GoFundMe campaign.

  8. Dear Mikey de whatever Canuck douche,

    My own mom died of complications related to dementia (shhh you spelled it wrong with an ‘I’ in the tweet) at 94.

    YOU are a imbecilic moron dullard idiot to use a relatives ‘state of mind’ proves the state of mind YOU are in.

    Go to hell Mikey.


    (btw I went out on the ledge and said the photo was not making sense and lo and behold the messages back and forth between BP is now out in the open saying so).


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