“Jimmy Carter was a terrible president” – President Trump – IOTW Report

“Jimmy Carter was a terrible president” – President Trump

20 Comments on “Jimmy Carter was a terrible president” – President Trump

  1. Turns oot (Canada Day) Billy would have been a better President…at

    least He had the excuse of being drunk…And He had His own Beer !

  2. Instruction manual for all former Presidents:
    Sit down shut your Goddamned mouth and eat your oatmeal!

    Unfortunately the last three Democrat shitstains are too full of themselves to even follow those simple rules.

  3. My mistake, I forgot to include a couple eRepublican shitstains in the above.

    I can all but guarantee that post 2014 Trump will reset this practice of comporting yourself with dignity.

  4. Obama had his chance, he would have only had to live with the distinction of being the worst President ever for a couple years if he had thrown the 2012 race to Romney. Either way the 2008 election had come out Carter was going to climb from dead last to second worst President in the history of the country.

  5. Hey, don’t pick on poor Jimmy. He is just repeating what his Russian handler told him. All that peanut dust is blocking his senses (what little he has).

  6. …Jimmy Carter WAS a terrible President. He would have done everything Obama did, and MORE, had he not lacked the protective coloration to get AWAY with it…

  7. Carter certified Hugo Chavez’s last election in time to be home for dinner.

    All those people who died afterwards. All that are going to die when Maduro strikes back with his Chicom and Russians allies in the wings? That’s on him. Jimmeh Peanut. Sudden Cold Warrior.

  8. He was easily the 3rd worst President in the last 50 years! Since I voted for him I should know; another lib I voted for ONCE AND ONLY ONCE was GHWB! Liberals lie; sometimes you believe their lies because you want them to be conservative. Then regret voting heart not head!

    Why does Jimmy not die?
    Rhetorical question: Why do the America hating MSM give him so much play?

  9. Carter was inspiration for my three decade ‘tour’. His leaving U.S. citizens, swinging in the wind, to be indefinitely held hostage in a third world dump was way, way beyond my teenage comprehension.

    It always amazes me that he was actually a fairly significant player in facilitating the nascent U.S. diesel-to-nuke-boat transition program. Really illustrates that being super smart just doesn’t count for squat when that fully packed ego was never provisioned with even a modicum of common sense.

    The man was an incompetent peanut farmer, too.

  10. Know it’s just a historical rhetorical statement.
    One that always should be remembered!
    Learned and taught is a very different thing,,,
    Thanks for pointing out the true history!

  11. It was Carter’s blatant globalism that horrified me.

    We almost went metric because of this guy.

    The Prez of Pintos, Mustang IIs, Pacers, Chevettes, and 55 MPH highways. Granted they started before him, but THAT was his era and what he wanted for America.

    I read a comment today on a YT video about Trump that said he was happy to have a business man instead of a politician in office.

    Not that simple, chief. That’s exactly why I voted for Carter.

    Never voted Dem again. They really should raise the voting age. Only the young and stupid vote Dem.


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