“Plugs Biden can’t control what his false teeth are saying” – IOTW Report

“Plugs Biden can’t control what his false teeth are saying”

Thank you to Isle of Palms. John for this post title.

Grabien- (With Video)




While there is evidence that the Obama administration struggled with how to deal with Russia’s election meddling, it did make attempts to get Russia to stop, and also to tell the American public about what the Russians were up to. Those attempts appear to have had little to no impact on Russia’s behavior, and the public did not fully grasp the extent of the meddling until well after the election.Top Obama administration officials issued repeated warnings to Russia to stop their interference in the US election. Obama said he himself told Russian President Vladimir Putin in September 2016 “to cut it out,” vowing “serious consequences” if he did not.

After the election, Obama said during a news conference at the White House that he worried overly (sic) public US efforts to draw attention to the interference could be viewed as political interference and would not necessarily “spook the Russians.”

“We were playing this thing straight — we weren’t trying to advantage one side or another other,” Obama said. “Imagine if we had done the opposite. It would have become one more political scrum.”


In other words, it happened on Obama and Biden’s watch.

16 Comments on “Plugs Biden can’t control what his false teeth are saying”

  1. One thing you can count on when it comes to the demonrats……they will always accuse you of doing exactly the same thing are doing. I put that in the same category as death and taxes or demonrats lying like a sack of shit.

  2. Biden probably has no idea what happened while he was in office. Stupidity complicated by Alzheimer’s? He’s even less aware of drastic improvements since he was shuffled along. Would be interesting to watch Biden and Pelosi try to draw a clock.

  3. Since the only MSM takeaway from Trump’s speech is “lol he said airplanes”, lets go back to the time when he was being interviewed by Katie Couric, who thought the Dutch commuted to work by skating on the frozen canals, but I digress…

    “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed,” Biden told Couric. “He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’”

  4. Biden has the same curse Hillary is inflicted with. The more they talk and show themselves the more people realize what unlikable miserable liars they are. Biden was never going to be the nominee.

  5. Since the Russians were not meddling, telling them to stop didn’t work.

    Had Hillary won as planned, Obama could crow about quashing the Mighty Russians with his ummm invincible ummm rhetorical skill, honed to a umm fine edge at Harvard ummm Law.

  6. I think the thing that makes Biden the most nervous is that all these youngster leftists he is running against are exhibiting the same traits that first got him into politics; duplicity, flexibility on the issues, a felicity at strawman building, and a clear understanding that honor and integrity are a liability to any successful politician.

    Biden said the other day that in order to demonstrate his youth and vitality he was going to campaign in all 13 states.

  7. Wow, could the shit-for-brains CNN interviewer make it any more obvious that they’re totally in the bag for Biden? He never called Biden out on this obvious idiocy, but if Trump said the sky was blue, they’d spend an entire day calling Trump a liar and a moron because the sky is actually “cyan” and they’d bring in color experts to back up their assertion.


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