What is wrong with this study? – IOTW Report

What is wrong with this study?

What is wrong with this study?, asks LeftCoastDan

Primary Factor In Gun Violence Is Accessibility, Not Mental Illness, Study Claims

18 Comments on What is wrong with this study?

  1. So people who don’t have a gun are less likely to threaten someone with a gun? That correlates with the study that people who don’t have any chewing gum are less likely to chew gum.

  2. I’ve read that the probability that a person with mental illness is just about as likely to be violent as any average person. What this means to me is that I have to be wary of everybody.

    I would like to see some data about mental health patients who are or have been taking SSIs or similar drugs. You know, the ones that have the printed insert warning of thoughts of violence, self-harm, and suicide. Those drugs.

  3. Like any other study done by some fucked up university liberal “think tank” to paraphrase General Patton…’they know less about actual gun violence than they do about fornicating”!

  4. C’mon. The doctor’s name is Yu Lu.
    He cannot be taken seriously.

    He’s a lot of fun at door ways though
    After you, Yu. No no. After you. This can go on for some time.

  5. So they don’t support Red Flag laws, then? Well good. So how do they explain that guns are LESS accessible than any time in our history, and yet shootings seem to be increasing?

  6. I guess the major factor in motor vehicle collisions is the availability of cars, since in 100% of crashes, someone had access to a car! This is brilliant! The number one common factor in airplane crashes is someone had access to an airplane! This is fun!

  7. My guns used to sneak around, whispering constantly and playing with speed loaders, clips, and magazines. I never saw them do any of this, or heard them, but I KNOW they are cozening little shits. I gave them all to a gun buyback program and got a Wallyworld Gift card for 10 whole dollars. I once found a fully loaded revolver in my drawer sitting beside A FULLY LOADED SPEED LOADER! That was the last straw.

  8. So how do they account for Mexico with nearly a hundred murders a day taking place, mostly from guns, and where guns almost totally illegal for anyone to own except a very rare few that have special permission?

  9. GUNS! MAGAZINES! (hopefully not titty magazines!) CLIPS! (hopefully not the CLIPS I use on my fucking BAGS OF CHIPS!)

    SPEEDLOADERS! (Wow, I used to be 14 — I could SPEEDLOAD then, too..)


  10. University of Texas – Who donated and how much, to come to this conclusion?
    Unhealthy diet contributes to approximately 678,000 deaths each year
    Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year
    88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually
    Opioid overdoses accounted for more than 42,000 deaths in 2016
    Over 37,000 people die in road crashes each year, An additional 2.35 million are injured or disabled.



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