LOL – Police Grabs Puny Antifa “Tough Guy” and Throws Him Back Into Pack Telling Him He’s Too Small and is Going To Get Hurt – IOTW Report

LOL – Police Grabs Puny Antifa “Tough Guy” and Throws Him Back Into Pack Telling Him He’s Too Small and is Going To Get Hurt

In so many words he told him to go back home to mommy.

30 Comments on LOL – Police Grabs Puny Antifa “Tough Guy” and Throws Him Back Into Pack Telling Him He’s Too Small and is Going To Get Hurt

  1. Jarhead Cracka — But if you look at the past five years, the police unions have screwed their own dues-paying members. First by not responding forcefully to the ridiculous claim that more white cops kill blacks and then allowing Black Lives Matter to gain as much traction as it did –also based on lies — and going back all the way to Geo Zimmerman/Trayvon! The Left has thoroughly demoralized cities’ law enforcement to the point they take any risks unless you’re a middle-aged white man or woman. The most important job in the precinct house now is to hold monthly “diversity” coffees to teach the public how to be courteous to homeless drug addicts and trannies.

  2. So now we get to go fishing for Antifa and if they are too small we have to throw them back?
    I need to know the new rules. They are all over the place around here.

  3. Where’s the part where the masked anti-American violent Marxist anti-Christian anti-white anti-Western Civilization anti-heterosexuality haters lose their citizenship and get deported?

  4. They’re only tough when they’re masked, armed, and in a large enough group.

    If they ever showed up in central west-Texas they’d be unmasked, disarmed, and get the crap beat out of ’em by people who love our nation and love to fight. We stay in practice with bar fights. These Antifa pukes are nothing.

  5. Why were there no arrests? Essentially they allowed this diminutive psychopath to commit acts of domestic terrorism and then they let him go without pressing charges. That is completely unacceptable.

  6. The cops should worry more about protecting the innocent patriots and not the AntiFa scumbags. Just because that shrimp was small…doesn’t mean his heart wasn’t full of hate and evil.

  7. @AbigailAdams you are spot on. Seattle is just BLEEDING police officers. They can’t get anyone hired because they’re all leaving in droves to saner pastures. It’s a disease, these marxist policies.

  8. They should have kept him. Small and puny describe the majority of Antifa. By themselves they are punk cowards. I dealt with one after being sucker punched. He was quickly screaming for the police and claimed I attacked him unprovoked. I was attacked from behind by this coward, never saw him or said a word to him. Crybabies.

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